:notes: Uses the power of three cloud platforms to find the best of 1988 :notes:
1988 was an exceptionally good year in the 80s. 1988 brought you amazing things like the movie Heathers and the show Mystery Science Theater 3000.
Notable Events:
A Serverless Framework Example with a simple HTTP service deployed on three different cloud platforms - Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud Platform.
See the README.md
in each service for more instructions for that FaaS environment.
With Node LTS installed, install the Serverless Framework:
$ npm install -g serverless
Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:lynnaloo/1988.git
$ cd 1988
Choose a cloud platform, install libraries, deploy, and run!
$ cd [cloud company name]
$ npm install
$ serverless deploy
$ serverless invoke -f best
Since these are HTTP services, you can execute them like a REST API
http://{generated cloud platform url}/best