项目作者: Arc-Jung
项目描述 :
Connect AWS Cloud9 guide.
项目地址: git://github.com/Arc-Jung/aws-cloud9-linux-connect-guide.git
Connect at AWS Cloud 9 IDE with all Linux OS

First Commit 2020-06-21 Arc-Jung
Connect and run in remote server (SSH) with all Linux OS
- Connect SSH to instance and Insert bash command.
sudo apt-get install --fix-broken
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
- Login to AWS Console.
- Select Cloud9.

- Insert Cloud9 IDE environment name with rule For example insert PROJECT_ADMIN_CLOUD9.
- Insert USERNAME and HOST IP.

- You are need to add our public key to your instance ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file to select AWS Console Cloud9 button of copy key to SSH key.
- If you want another directory setting to install your project directory. Insert directory path at Cloud9 console hidden setting.

- Select connect button Cloud9 in AWS console.
- Wait 5 minutes while checking the command answering the question.
- Use Cloud9 on all Linux OS. For example is Ubuntu, CentOS etc…
- But Cloud9 user permission will be denied. Insert bash command. YOUR DIR is your environment setting.
sudo adduser ubuntu
sudo groupadd cloud9
sudo usermod -a -G cloud9 ubuntu
sudo chown -R ubuntu:cloud9 /<YOUR DIR>
sudo chmod -R 2775 /<YOUR DIR>
- If you have any questions, please write an issue.