项目作者: sanderdewitte

项目描述 :
RancherOS cloud-config
高级语言: Shell
项目地址: git://github.com/sanderdewitte/rancheros-cloud-config.git
创建时间: 2017-07-23T08:56:00Z



RancherOS cloud-config

rancheros-cloud-config.sh script to generate cloud-config.yml for RancherOS iPXE boot and install.
See other branches for cloud provider specific versions of this script.

Use in conjunction with iPXE boot script

  1. #!ipxe
  2. # Boots RancherOS in Ramdisk
  3. # Location of Kernel and Initrd images
  4. set base-url http://releases.rancher.com/os/latest
  5. kernel ${base-url}/vmlinuz rancher.state.formatzero=true -- rancher.cloud_init.datasources=[url:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanderdewitte/rancheros-cloud-config/master/rancheros-cloud-init.sh]
  6. initrd ${base-url}/initrd
  7. boot