项目作者: ramp-shapes

项目描述 :
RAMP shapes: declarative RDF ↔ algebraic data type mapping
高级语言: TypeScript
项目地址: git://github.com/ramp-shapes/ramp-shapes.git
创建时间: 2019-03-14T18:08:53Z

开源协议:MIT License


RAMP shapes: declarative RDF ↔ algebraic data type mapping npm version

Home page | Introductory paper | Specification draft | Playground

RAMP is a type construction language, specification and an implementation of mapping operations between RDF graphs and structured data types.


RAMP introduces a language based on RDF which allows to describe a runtime object interface with so-called “shapes”. The shapes are basically types augumented with metadata to map them into RDF graph. Usage of such shapes allows to:

  • Map RDF graph data into JS objects.
  • Generate RDF quad/triple data from JS objects.
  • Construct SPARQL queries to fetch necessary data for given shapes.
  • (In the future) Validate that runtime object structure matches specified shape.

Feature comparison with other RDF modelling languages

Describes closed RDF graph structure
Describes data mapping / serialization requires frame definition
Has ability to generate query and deserialize results based on shapes
Has RDF representation
Supports RDF lists with workaround
Supports shape unions through shape targets
Supports cardinality constraints (min/max)
Supports recursive shapes depends on implementation
Supports property paths
Supports ignoring optional non-matching shapes by declaring shape severity


Install with npm install --save ramp-shapes


Try out on the interactive playground.

  1. import * as Ramp from 'ramp-shapes';
  2. import * as N3 from 'n3';
  3. import * as SparqlJs from 'sparqljs';
  4. // get graph triples (source data)
  5. const dataset = Ramp.Rdf.dataset(new N3.Parser().parse(`
  6. @prefix ex: <http://example.com/schema></http:>.
  7. @prefix : <http://example.com/data></http:>.
  8. :anno1 a ex:Annotation;
  9. ex:start :point1;
  10. ex:end ("1" "2").
  11. :point1 a ex:Point;
  12. ex:position 42.
  13. `));
  14. // define custom shapes using Turtle syntax
  15. const shapes = Ramp.frameShapes(Ramp.Rdf.dataset(new N3.Parser().parse(`
  16. @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>.
  17. @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>.
  18. @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>.
  19. @prefix ramp: <http://ramp-shapes.github.io/schema#>.
  20. @prefix ex: <http://example.com/schema></http:>.
  21. ex:Annotation a ramp:Record;
  22. ramp:typeProperty [
  23. ramp:name "type";
  24. ramp:path rdf:type;
  25. ramp:shape [ a ramp:Resource; ramp:termValue ex:Annotation ]
  26. ];
  27. ramp:property [
  28. ramp:name "id";
  29. ramp:path ();
  30. ramp:shape [ a ramp:Resource ]
  31. ];
  32. ramp:property [
  33. ramp:name "start";
  34. ramp:path ex:start;
  35. ramp:shape ex:Selector
  36. ];
  37. ramp:property [
  38. ramp:name "end";
  39. ramp:path ex:end;
  40. ramp:shape [ a ramp:Optional; ramp:item ex:Selector ]
  41. ].
  42. ex:Selector a ramp:AnyOf;
  43. ramp:variant ex:Point, ex:Path.
  44. ex:Point a ramp:Record;
  45. ramp:typeProperty [
  46. ramp:name "type";
  47. ramp:path rdf:type;
  48. ramp:shape [ a ramp:Resource; ramp:termValue ex:Point ]
  49. ];
  50. ramp:property [
  51. ramp:name "position";
  52. ramp:path ex:position;
  53. ramp:shape [ a ramp:Literal; ramp:termDatatype xsd:integer ]
  54. ].
  55. ex:Path a ramp:List;
  56. ramp:item [ a ramp:Literal; ramp:termDatatype xsd:string ].
  57. `)));
  58. // choose entry point shape
  59. const shape = shapes.find(s =>
  60. s.id.value === 'http://example.com/schema#Annotation'
  61. );
  62. // use defined shapes to lower RDF graph into JS objects...
  63. const matches = Ramp.frame({shape, dataset});
  64. for (const match of matches) {
  65. /* match.value object has ex:Annotation shape, e.g.:
  66. {
  67. "type": "http://example.com/schema/Annotation",
  68. "id": "http://example.com/data/anno1",
  69. "start": {
  70. "type": "http://example.com/schema/Point",
  71. "position": 42
  72. },
  73. "end": ["1", "2"]
  74. }
  75. */
  76. // ... and lift JS object back into an RDF graph
  77. const quads = Ramp.flatten({shape, value: match.value});
  78. /* quads is Iterable<Rdf.Quad>, e.g.:
  79. :anno1 a ex:Annotation;
  80. ex:start _:record_044916_1.
  81. _:record_044916_1 a ex:Point;
  82. ex:position "42"^^xsd:integer.
  83. :anno1 ex:end _:list_044916_2.
  84. _:list_044916_2 rdf:first "1";
  85. rdf:rest _:list_044916_3.
  86. _:list_044916_3 rdf:first "2";
  87. rdf:rest rdf:nil.
  88. */
  89. }
  90. // another application of defined shapes is to generate a CONSTRUCT query
  91. // to get necessary graph data for framing
  92. const query = Ramp.generateQuery({
  93. shape,
  94. // (optionally) specify prefixes for SPARQL
  95. prefixes: {
  96. rdf: "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#",
  97. rdfs: "http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#",
  98. xsd: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#",
  99. ex: "http://example.com/schema/",
  100. "": "http://example.com/data/",
  101. }
  102. });
  103. const queryString = new SparqlJs.Generator().stringify(query);
  104. /* query is a CONSTRUCT query in SPARQL.js runtime format:
  105. PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
  106. PREFIX ex: <http://example.com/schema></http:>
  107. CONSTRUCT {
  108. ?record_1 rdf:type ex:Annotation.
  109. ?record_1 ex:start ?record_4.
  110. ?record_4 rdf:type ex:Point.
  111. ?record_4 ex:position ?literal_5.
  112. ?record_1 ex:start ?list_6.
  113. ?listNode_7 rdf:rest ?nextNode_8.
  114. ?listNode_7 rdf:first ?literal_9.
  115. ?record_1 ex:end ?record_11.
  116. ?record_11 rdf:type ex:Point.
  117. ?record_11 ex:position ?literal_12.
  118. ?record_1 ex:end ?list_13.
  119. ?listNode_14 rdf:rest ?nextNode_15.
  120. ?listNode_14 rdf:first ?literal_16.
  121. }
  122. WHERE {
  123. ?record_1 rdf:type ex:Annotation.
  124. {
  125. ?record_1 ex:start ?record_4.
  126. ?record_4 rdf:type ex:Point.
  127. ?record_4 ex:position ?literal_5.
  128. }
  129. UNION
  130. {
  131. ?record_1 ex:start ?list_6.
  132. ?list_6 (rdf:rest*) ?listNode_7.
  133. ?listNode_7 rdf:rest ?nextNode_8.
  134. ?listNode_7 rdf:first ?literal_9.
  135. }
  136. OPTIONAL {
  137. {
  138. ?record_1 ex:end ?record_11.
  139. ?record_11 rdf:type ex:Point.
  140. ?record_11 ex:position ?literal_12.
  141. }
  142. UNION
  143. {
  144. ?record_1 ex:end ?list_13.
  145. ?list_13 (rdf:rest*) ?listNode_14.
  146. ?listNode_14 rdf:rest ?nextNode_15.
  147. ?listNode_14 rdf:first ?literal_16.
  148. }
  149. }
  150. }
  151. */


Morozov A., Wohlgenannt G., Mouromtsev D., Pavlov D., Emelyanov Y. (2019) RAMP Shapes: Declarative RDF ↔ ADT Mapping. In: Garoufallou E., Fallucchi F., William De Luca E. (eds) Metadata and Semantic Research. MTSR 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1057. Springer, Cham
