Find your file metadata
Welcome to this incredible API to obtain the data of your files! It´s super simple to use, and it has a front end design also, so you can use it directly from there.
It´s really simple, just select a file from your computer/device and hit the upload button, it will automaticaly response with a JSON object with the metadata of your file.
I hope you enjoy it!
I have developed this full stack app using JavaScript, NodeJS, Express and Multer for the Back-End. If you want to clone the repository, make sure to install all these dependencies. It also has a front-end desing implemented, made with HTML and CSS, so you can see it on action.
Here you can find more info about them.
This API requires Node.js to run.
Clone the repository and then start the server with:
$ npm start
Please take a look at the dependencies that this API uses (Express and Multer).
You can see the freecodecamp test Here