Unix configuration file parser
SLConfig is a simple config parser library written in C89, it can be used to parse standart UNIX configuration files with some additional functionality added (optionally).
# standart UNIX configuration syntax:
# comment
key1 = value
key2 = "value within quotes"
# optional functionality:
shell_of_choice = ${SHELL} # example usage of enviromental variables
# example usage of variables
$prefix = "[myprefix]"
error = $(prefix)" error: "
warn = $(prefix)" warning: "
Example C implementation can be found in example.c
To build and install SLConfig library on a *nix system, in your shell type
mkdir build && cd build\
cmake && make && sudo make install
If you also want to compile example.c, add -DSLC_EXAMPLES=1
to the cmake command.