项目作者: AMBRDetroit

项目描述 :
Mortgage Calculators done in JavaScript
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/AMBRDetroit/mortgage-calculators.git
创建时间: 2016-02-04T04:11:29Z



Mortgage Calculators

This JS Library contains functions commonly used with mortgage calculations.


While trying to build a set of mortgage calculators for a client, we were hoping to find a Javascript library that contained the functions.
After hours of research, we were unable to find any Javascript library. However, we found a bunch of spreadsheets and after thorough investigation, developed our own functions.

Getting Started

To get started you can download the minified code src/mortgage-calculators.js or clone the entire repo and import it into your next project.


This library contains 7 different modules used for different

  1. Monthly Mortgage Payment
  2. Monthly Mortgage Payment With Extra Monthly Payments
  3. 15 Year VS 30 Year Mortgage
  4. How Much Can I Borrow ?
  5. Fixed Rate VS ARM
  6. Refinance Mortgage
  7. Should I Buy or Rent a home?

Monthly Mortgage Payment


This module calculates the monthly mortgage payment based on the loan amount, annual interest rate, and the term in years.


  1. mortgageCalculators.monthlyMortgagePayments({
  2. loanAmount : 100000,
  3. interestRate : 3.75, (Annual Rate, will be converted to a monthly percentage in calculations)
  4. termInYears : 30
  5. });


  1. Returns 463.12;

Monthly Mortgage Payment With Extra Monthly Payments


This module calculates the monthly monthly payment from above with an extra monthly payment amount. It returns an object with annual and monthly breakdowns.


  1. mortgageCalculators.monthlyMortgagePaymentsWithExtraPayments({
  2. loanAmount : 200000,
  3. interestRate : 6.75,
  4. termInYears : 5,
  5. extraPaymentAmount : 300
  6. });


  1. {
  2. withExtraPayment : {
  3. totalMonthlyPayment : 4236.69,
  4. interestRate : 6.75,
  5. term : 5,
  6. totalCost : 233018.07,
  7. payments : [{ // Array of Annual Break Down
  8. annualInterestPayment: 12322.85,
  9. annualPrincipalPayment: 38517.47,
  10. balance: 161482.53,
  11. monthlyBreakdown: [{ // Array of monthly breakdowns
  12. monthlyPayment : 4236.69,
  13. principalPayment : 3111.69,
  14. interestPayment : 1125,
  15. balance : 196888.31
  16. }...]
  17. }...]
  18. },
  19. withoutExtraPayment : {
  20. totalMonthlyPayment : 3936.69,
  21. interestRate : 6.75,
  22. term : 5,
  23. totalCost : 236201.53
  24. }
  25. }

15 Year VS 30 Year Mortgage


This module calculates the comparison of a 15-year mortgage with a 30-year mortgage based on the loan amount, and the interest rate of the respective year.


  1. mortgageCalculators.compareFifteenVsThirtyYearMortgages({
  2. loanAmount : 100000,
  3. interestRate1 : 3.25,
  4. interestRate2 : 3.75
  5. });


  1. {
  2. fifteenYearMortgage : {
  3. monthlyMortgagePayment : 702.67,
  4. totalPayments : 126480.38,
  5. totalInterest : 26480.38
  6. },
  7. thirtyYearMortgage : {
  8. monthlyMortgagePayment : 463.12,
  9. totalPayments : 166721.61,
  10. totalInterest : 66721.61
  11. }
  12. }

How Much Can I Borrow?


This module calculates how much you could be expected to borrow from a lender based on various parameters. It returns an aggressive and conservative break down using commonly used debt-to-payment ratios.


  1. mortgageCalculators.howMuchCanIBorrow({
  2. interestRate : 3.75,
  3. grossMonthlyIncome : 4000,
  4. monthlyDebtPayment : 400,
  5. termInYears : 30,
  6. downPayment : 5,
  7. yearlyPropertyTax : 1200,
  8. yearlyPropertyInsurance : 1200
  9. });


  1. {
  2. aggressive: {
  3. downPayment: 12092.01,
  4. loanAmount: 241840.27,
  5. priceOfHome: 253932.28
  6. },
  7. conservative: {
  8. downPayment: 9069.01,
  9. loanAmount: 181380.2,
  10. priceOfHome: 190449.21
  11. },
  12. futureMonthlyPayment: {
  13. aggressive: {
  14. principalAndInterest: 1320,
  15. taxesAndInsurance: 200,
  16. totalMonthlyPayment: 1520
  17. },
  18. conservative: {
  19. principalAndInterest: 1040,
  20. taxesAndInsurance: 200,
  21. totalMonthlyPayment: 1240
  22. }
  23. }
  24. }

Fixed Rate VS ARM


This module calculates the comparison between a fixed rate mortgage and an adjustable rate mortgage based on various parameters.


  1. mortgageCalculators.comparefixedRateVsARM({
  2. loanAmount : 100000,
  3. termInYears : 30,
  4. interestRate : 6.5,
  5. monthsBeforeFirstAdjustment : 36,
  6. monthsBetweenAdjustments : 12,
  7. expectedAdjustmentRate : 0.25,
  8. initialInterestRate : 6.5,
  9. maximumInterestRate : 12
  10. });


  1. {
  2. fixedRate : {
  3. monthlyMortgagePayment : 632.07
  4. },
  5. ARM : {
  6. initialMonthlyMortgagePayment : 632.07,
  7. maxMonthlyMortgagePayment : 889.32
  8. }
  9. }

Refinance Mortgage


This module calculates new values for a new monthly mortgage after an n number of payments are already made. Returns an object with old and new mortgage values and the interest potentially saved by refinancing.


  1. mortgageCalculators.refinanceMortgage({
  2. interestRate : 3.75,
  3. loanAmount : 100000,
  4. termInYears : 30,
  5. paymentsMade : 12,
  6. newInterestRate : 2.75,
  7. newTermInYears : 30
  8. });


  1. {
  2. interestSaved : 16899.79,
  3. oldMonthlyMortgage : {
  4. monthlyMortgagePayment : 463.12,
  5. remainingInterest : 63003
  6. },
  7. newMonthlyMortgage : {
  8. newMortgageTotal : 98161.22,
  9. monthlyMortgagePayment : 400.73,
  10. remainingInterest : 46103.21
  11. }
  12. }

Should I Buy or Rent a Home?


This module calculates the potential benefits of buying a home as opposed to renting a home based on various given parameters. Returns a break down of the various costs of both buying vs renting, and a final value of money saved by buying. This final value may be negative to indicate a benefit of renting rather than buying.


  1. mortgageCalculators.compareBuyVsRent({
  2. monthlyRent : 800,
  3. expectedAnnualRentIncrease : 5,
  4. purchasePrice : 200000,
  5. downPayment : 5,
  6. interestRate : 6,
  7. termInYears : 30,
  8. closingCosts : 1.5,
  9. annualAppreciation : 3,
  10. howLongBeforeSelling : 10,
  11. currentAnnualInterestOnDownPayment : 3,
  12. incomeTaxRate : 28
  13. });


  1. {
  2. currentValueOfHome: 268783.28,
  3. totalOwedToBank: 167371.45,
  4. equityOnHome: 101411.83,
  5. netCostOfBuying: 11326.5,
  6. netCostOfRenting: 120747.77,
  7. benefitOfBuying: 109421.27
  8. }