项目作者: metal

项目描述 :
Build UI components in a solid, flexible way
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/metal/metal.js.git
创建时间: 2014-09-12T08:47:34Z




Build Status
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Build Status

Metal.js is a JavaScript library for building UI components in a solid, flexible way.

Support and Project status

Metal.js is widely used and well maintained internally at Liferay but
does not currently have staffing to support the open source release. As such
this project is mostly internal and support is minimal. For certain
issues, like build integration we are in an especially bad position to offer

To get assistance you can use any of the following forums

  1. Look through the documentation.
  2. File an issue on GitHub

We will try our best, but keep in mind that given our support staffing, we may
not be able to help.


  1. Install NodeJS >= v0.12.0, if you don’t have it yet.

  2. Install lerna global dependency:

    1. [sudo] npm install -g lerna@2.2.0
  3. Run the bootstrap script to install local dependencies and link packages together:

    1. npm run lerna
  4. Run tests:

    1. npm test

Developer Tools for Metal.js

Big Thanks

Cross-browser Testing Platform and Open Source <3 Provided by Sauce Labs


BSD License © Liferay, Inc.