Convert an array to plain object
Converts an array of primitives or objects to a plain object.
$ npm install arr2obj
Returns: Object
- The converted object.
Will throw if array
is not an Array.Param | Type | Default | Description |
array | Array |
The initial array to convert. | |
[options] | Object |
User defined options to override defaults. | |
[options.key] | String |
If array is an array of objects and each object has a property with the value of key , use those as the properties of the result object. By default the index of each item in array is used. |
[options.keyPrefix] | String |
‘’ |
A string that prefixes the keys of the result object. If anything than string is provided, it takes the default value (‘’). |
[options.keySuffix] | String |
‘’ |
A string that suffixes the keys of the result object. If anything than string is provided, it takes the default value (‘’). |
[options.deleteKey] | Boolean |
false |
Deletes the property of each item of the result object if key is specified and exists in current object. If key does not exist in current item or current item is not an object, leaves the property as is. |
[options.inheritProto] | Boolean |
false |
Determines if the result object should inherit from the Object.prototype . |
const objectsArray = [
{_id: 'u0', name: 'John Doe', job: 'Frontend Developer'},
{_id: 'u1', name: 'Albert Brown', job: 'Designer'},
{_id: 'u2', name: 'Stuart Chalmers', job: 'Product Manager'},
{_id: 'u3', name: 'Alberta Jonson', job: 'Account Manager'}
const stringsArray = ['orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'cherry'];
const mixedArray = [
{_id: 'u0', name: 'John Doe', job: 'Frontend Developer'},
['orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'cherry'],
'Just a string'
// Convert an array of objects using the "_id" property as key of the result object, prefixed with "$" character.
arr2obj(objectsArray, {
key: '_id',
keyPrefix: '$'
// -> {
// -> '$u0': { _id: 'u0', name: 'John Doe', job: 'Frontend Developer' },
// -> '$u1': { _id: 'u1', name: 'Albert Brown', job: 'Designer' },
// -> '$u2': { _id: 'u2', name: 'Stuart Chalmers', job: 'Product Manager' },
// -> '$u3': { _id: 'u3', name: 'Alberta Jonson', job: 'Account Manager' }
// -> }
// Convert an array of objects using the "_id" property as key of the result object, and delete it from the result object.
arr2obj(objectsArray, {
key: '_id',
deleteKey: true
// -> {
// -> 'u0': { name: 'John Doe', job: 'Frontend Developer' },
// -> 'u1': { name: 'Albert Brown', job: 'Designer' },
// -> 'u2': { name: 'Stuart Chalmers', job: 'Product Manager' },
// -> 'u3': { name: 'Alberta Jonson', job: 'Account Manager' }
// -> }
// Convert an array of strings with default options.
// -> { '0': 'orange', '1': 'banana', '2': 'apple', '3': 'cherry' }
// Convert an array of strings prefixing and suffixing the keys with "_" character.
arr2obj(stringsArray, {
keyPrefix: '_',
keySuffix: '_'
// -> { '_0_': 'orange', '_1_': 'banana', '_2_': 'apple', '_3_': 'cherry' }
// Convert an array of mixed types using the "_id" property as key of the result object.
arr2obj(mixedArray, {
key: '_id'
// -> {
// -> '1': [ 'orange', 'banana', 'apple', 'cherry' ],
// -> '2': 'Just a string',
// -> u0: { _id: 'u0', name: 'John Doe', job: 'Frontend Developer' }
// -> }
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
$ npm test