项目作者: Sdhir

项目描述 :
Word count using MapReduce
高级语言: Java
项目地址: git://github.com/Sdhir/Hadoop-MapReduce.git
创建时间: 2017-11-30T20:09:44Z




Contains: Main.java, Map.java, Reduce.java


  • Creates Job
  • Runs the Map.class first and then Reduce.class
  • Takes in Input and Output directory as arguments


  • Map class extends Mapper
  • map function
    • tracks the chapter number
    • removes puntuations
    • removes the stop words (Obtained stop words from stopwords.txt file)

Map output (for example):
Chapter 1 (where alice is repeated four times):

Chapter 2 (where alice is repeated once):

Chapter 3 (where alice is repeated twice):

  • This way, the number refers to the chapter.


  • Reduce class extends Reducer
  • reduce function uses Hapmap counts how many times a word appears in each individual chapter.

Reduce output (for example):

The output is further modified to store top K = 10 words which are common among all chapters
with more than W = 3 times repetetion of that word in a chapter.

Modified output (for example):
alice => Chapter Number 1 4
alice => Chapter Number 2 1
alice => Chapter Number 3 2