Extending V8 remote debugger protocol
DevTools Protocol Extension module
This module expect to extend the V8 Remote Debugger with features provided by the Chrome v1.2/1.3, or more, Remote Protocol version
One of the goals is to not be specific to node.js, but to be adaptable to other JavaScript environments (Wakanda? React Native like engines?)
The main feature to expose is, in first place the Network
The Node.js debugger clearly miss the Web Page level Network panel.
Let’s start by working on the HTTP client module.
We may then think about exposing the HTTP server, Web Sockets, TCP, UDP and other network communication protocols.
Nowadays, even if Web engines are the main JavaScript UI renderers, they are not the only ones. Let’s mention QML (Qt) and TvML (Apple TvOS), or Android/iOS platforms via NativeScript or React Native.
It would then make sense to be able to expose those view state via this excellent DevTools Elements