A mom please get me so me zucchini from sho p interpreter in fairly modern JavaScript
is an interpreter for the esoteric stack-based programming language mom please get me so me zucchini from sho p
, written in fairly modern JavaScript.
The interpreter is small but fairly feature-complete. Implemented are:
It can interpret mom please get me so me zuchini from sho p
programs written interactively with the REPL-like CLI, or in files with the .zucchinipleasemom
extension which are passed to the interpreter, as in node index.js -f path/to/filename.zucchinipleasemom
Several design decisions allow its small size. Specifically, it skips several steps of the traditional interpretation cycle.
There is no tokenisation or parsing step (in the traditional sense), and no AST is generated. Instead, source code text is directly pattern-matched to instructions function. Each instruction specified in the language is implemented as a pattern and an instruction function to be executed when that pattern is matched. The source code is scanned for instructions matching the known instruction patterns, and for each match found, the corresponding instruction function defined alongside that instruction pattern is executed.
Concretely, this is a mapping of RegEx instruction patterns to functions taking the state as input and mutating it. (Implementing these functions as pure functions which take the state as input and simply return a new state is a planned improvement to the interpreter). When each match has its instruction function run, any arguments given in the instruction are passed to the instruction function.
mom please get me so me zucchini from sho p
It is an esoteric stack-based programming language with functional elements.
It was created by the author and is documented on the Esolangs wiki.
You can run programs by either using the CLI interactive REPL with
node index.js
or writing your program in a file with the .zucchinipleasemom
extension and then running the interpreter on that file with
node index.js -f path/to/program.zucchinipleasemom
mom please get me so me zucchini from sho p
is an esoteric stack-based programming language with functional elements.
Comprehensive documentation is not available because it has not been written yet. However, you can get an indication of how mom please get me so me zucchini from sho p
works from reading the source code of this interpreter. A list of instructions is declared in lib/instructions.js
. The core of the interpreter is defined in lib/evaluate.js
You can also browse the example programs, which are given in the examples
Happy programming! :)