Experimental Prometheus plugin for Timelion Kibana
Timelion (part of Kibana) provides a plugin mechanism by which you can create your own connectors to external datasets.
This plugin allows rendering data from Prometheus in Timelion, without having to duplicate timeseries into Elasticsearch.
git clone https://github.com/lmangani/timelion-prometheus && cd timelion-prometheus
VERSION="6.2.4" ./release.sh
kibana-plugin install ./timelion-prometheus-1.0.0.zip
, e.g.
"prometheus": {
"hostname": "my.prometheus.ip",
"port": 9090,
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
The plugin is intended for use with Kibana 5 and 6
If you are using a version of Kibana, you will need to edit kibana.version in the “package.json” file.
The timelion-prometheus plugin is sponsored by QXIP BV
Elasticsearch and Kibana are trademarks of Elasticsearch BV, registered in the U.S. and in other countries.