项目作者: coinbase

项目描述 :
DEPRECATED — Gem to create Kibana URLs.
高级语言: Ruby
项目地址: git://github.com/coinbase/kibana_url.git
创建时间: 2017-04-19T22:43:42Z



Kibana URL

Kibana URLs are complex strings but it can be useful to create them programmatically based on data in your application. This gem helps construct working Kibana URLs configured to specific queries, index, time scopes, and more.

This was developed on Kibana 4.6.3 (but may work on other versions too).


  1. gem install kibana_url


See below for all the options.

  1. url_string = KibanaUrl.generate(
  2. query: '"needle in the haystack"',
  3. time_scope: { mode: :relative, from: Time.now - (60 * 60) }, # 1 hour ago
  4. refresh_interval: 60 # every 1 minute
  5. )


  1. KibanaUrl.configure do |config|
  2. # Provide a base URL for your Kibana endpoint (required).
  3. config[:kibana_base_url] = 'https://kibana.intranet.net/app/kibana'
  4. # Provide a mapping of common names and Elasticsearch log indexes (required).
  5. config[:index_patterns] = {
  6. app: 'application-logs-*', # first entry becomes default for URLs generated
  7. aws: 'cloudtrail-*',
  8. }
  9. end

All Possible Options

These are optional keyword arguments to the generate() method.

  • Purpose: These will specify which Elasticsearch log index to use.
  • Type: Symbol
  • Valid values: keys from :index_patterns in the gem configuration.
  • Default: First key in the map.
  • Purpose: List of columns you want to show for each log.
  • Type: Array of String
  • Default: ['_source']
  • Purpose: The string the would go into the Kibana search bar to filter logs.
  • Type: String
  • Default: *
  • Purpose: Specifies the way you want the logs to be sorted.
  • Type: Hash with keys :log_param_name, :mode.
  • Valid values: :mode can be :asc or :desc, :log_param_name can be the name of any log field.
  • Default: { log_param_name: 'time', mode: :desc }.
  • Purpose: How often you want the search to refresh.
  • Type: Integer
  • Default: nil (which is no auto-refreshing action.)
  • Purpose: Time window over which to query.
  • Type: Hash with keys :mode (optional), :from (optional), :to (optional)
  • Valid values:
    • :mode specifies the type of time scope.
    • :relative will be from some given :from time ago up to the present time and :absolute is from a specific time ago up to another specific time.
    • An example of a relative time scope for 5 hours ago - { mode: :relative, from: 5 * 60 * 60 }.
    • An example of an absolute time scope from 1000 PST to 1400 PST on June 20, 2012 - { mode: :relative, from: Time.new(2012, 06, 20, 10, 0, 0, "-07:00"), to: Time.new(2012, 06, 20, 14, 0, 0, "-07:00") }
  • Default: relative time scope of 15 minutes ago.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/coinbase/kibana_url.


The gem is available open source under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.