项目作者: pulseshift

项目描述 :
A reliable cache-buster for OpenUI5.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/pulseshift/ui5-cache-buster.git
创建时间: 2017-07-05T17:11:21Z

开源协议:MIT License


⚡️ ui5-cache-buster (alpha)

Ensure your users are always enjoying the latest version of your app. OpenUI5 provides only solutions proprietary for SAP Gateway and SAP Cloud Platform. With this project, we created a more reliable mechanism that is open source and available for any environment.


Install ui5-cache-buster as a development dependency:

  1. yarn add ui5-cache-buster@alpha --dev

How it works

ui5-cache-buster will parse the UI5 resource roots, e.g.:

  1. <script
  2. id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
  3. src="./ui5/1.50.0/resources/sap-ui-core.js"
  4. data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{
  5. "my.demo.app": "./apps/my-demo-app"
  6. }' ></script>

From there the project structure will be injected. At the time, the cache buster supports UI5 app components, UI5 control libraries and asset-roots as resources as well as theme roots.

For example. if an app component is identified, the Component-preload.js and resources listed in manifest.json (contained in Component-preload.js as well) will be read to create a deterministic hash based on the file contents. The app path and the resource roots will then be updated with the hash:

  1. data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{
  2. "my.demo.app": "./apps/cgfsybfu"
  3. }'

Next time you run cache buster, as long as the Component-preload.js have not changed, also the hash will be the same.

How to use

ui5-cache-buster is designed as an agnostic node module and can be used standalone in your custom build script or as part of e.g. a gulp build task.

Example with gulp 4.0.0 (JavaScript ES6):

  1. import gulp from 'gulp'
  2. import tap from 'gulp-tap'
  3. import ui5Bust from 'ui5-cache-buster'
  4. // hash UI5 module paths to enable cache buster
  5. export function ui5cacheBust() {
  6. return (
  7. gulp
  8. .src(['./index.html'])
  9. // rename UI5 module (app component) paths and update UI5 resource roots in UI5 bootstrap of index.html
  10. .pipe(tap(oFile => ui5Bust(oFile)))
  11. .pipe(gulp.dest('./'))
  12. )
  13. }

Furtheremore, in the OpenUI5 Starter Kit you can find ui5-cache-buster integrated in a complete build script.

Hint: If you want read/load/fetch from your UI5 app other resources within your app component folder, you must use jQuery.sap.getModulePath to get the correct path:

  1. jQuery.sap.getModulePath(
  2. 'my.demo.app.assets.data.Products',
  3. '.json'
  4. )
  5. // ./apps/cgfsybfu/assets/data/Products.json



  1. ui5Bust(file, [options])
  • file (Vinyl) Entry file must be the HTML file that contains the UI5 bootstrap.
  • options (object, optional) The configuration options object.
  • options.hash (object, optional) The hash generation configuration object).
  • options.hash.type (string, optional) One of sha1, md5, sha256, sha512 or any other node.js supported hash type (default: sha512).
  • options.hash.digestType (string, optional) One of hex, base26, base32, base36, base49, base52, base58, base62, base64 (default: base62).
  • options.hash.maxLength (number, optional) The maximum hash length in chars (default: 8).


This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright 2017 PulseShift GmbH