项目作者: freyum

项目描述 :
PoC of Shopify development workflow using GitHub Actions with multiple environments.
高级语言: Liquid
项目地址: git://github.com/freyum/shopify-workflow-poc.git
创建时间: 2020-04-27T09:44:01Z

开源协议:MIT License


Shopify Workflow PoC

This is a Proof of Concept of workflow with different environments using Github and GitHub Actions.


GitHub Actions

Pre-requisites :

  • GitHub account and repository
  • Shopify store of production
  • Shopify store of staging (development)

Shopify stores

We’re using 2 stores for our workflow with multiple themes :

  • Production store
    • Production theme
    • Pre-production theme
  • Staging store
    • Staging theme
    • n theme(s) for developers


  • master (for production theme on production environment)
  • preprod (for pre-production theme on production environment)
  • develop (for staging theme on development environment)


Production and staging store have same configuration. But we often have the same content between the two environments.

  • In production store, we have all real products and collections.
  • In staging store, we have ~10 or less products and one or two collections (for testing).


Workflow is pretty simple, based on GitFlow but with no release branch nor tags.

master, preprod and develop branches are protected. It’s not possible to push directly on them.
The best way is to use pull requests.


  1. Create a new branch from master (eg. feature/store-locator)
    • Best practice : prefix branch with fix/ for a fix or feature/ for a new feature
  2. Apply commit(s) to this branch
  3. Merge feature/store-locator into develop
    • It will deploy on staging theme, then test your changes
  4. If changes are not good, return to step 2. Otherwise, merge feature/store-locator into preprod
    • It will deploy on pre-production theme, then test your changes
  5. If changes are not good, return to step 2. Otherwise, merge feature/store-locator into master
    • It will deploy on production theme, your changes are now live!

Basic workflow

Workflow with multiple branches

Workflow with fix

New branch always start from master one, even if the purpose is a new feature or a fix.

Local development

We’re using Theme Kit for local developers : https://shopify.github.io/themekit/
We created a template on development store for each developer.

CI/CD with GitHub Actions


Workflow files are available here.
They used the Deploy Shopify theme Actions : https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-shopify-theme


First you have to generate a private app to get an API KEY on Shopify. Get API Access.

Then you’ll need to provide some secrets :

  • SHOPIFY_STAGING_PASSWORD: Your password from your private app previously created.
  • SHOPIFY_STAGING_STORE_URL: Your development store url. (e.g. demo-staging.myshopify.com).
  • SHOPIFY_STAGING_THEME_ID: Your theme id on your Shopify development Store.
  • SHOPIFY_PRODUCTION_PASSWORD: Your password from your private app previously created.
  • SHOPIFY_PRODUCTION_STORE_URL: Your production store url. (e.g. demo.myshopify.com).
  • SHOPIFY_PREPRODUCTION_THEME_ID: Your preproduction theme id on your Shopify production Store.
  • SHOPIFY_PRODUCTION_THEME_ID: Your production theme id on your Shopify production Store.
  • THEME_PATH: Path of your theme on your GitHub repository. If your theme is at the root of your repository, just use ./.

env vars


The Dockerfile and associated scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.