项目作者: digiltd

项目描述 :
Super simple workflow shortcuts that uses the built in functionality of Alfred. Nothing special, but very handy.
项目地址: git://github.com/digiltd/codepen-alfred-workflow.git
创建时间: 2016-04-13T11:10:06Z



CodePen Alfred Workflow

Super simple workflow shortcuts that mainly uses the built in functionality of Alfred with just a hint of AppleScript.

Nothing special, but it is very handy, and I use it all day everyday.

As great as CodePen is, when you are in a pen it is a bit tedious having to click (not hover) your profile icon, then click on Pens to load a page where you then click for the third time to either create a new pen or view your private pens.

December 2017 update

  • chose to search “including forks” using cpsf
  • added Dashboard
  • Dashboard, Private Pens, Homepage shortcuts now check to see if a Chrome Tab already exists for the target URL before creating a new one.


Create your own or download mine from GitHub below

Download from GitHub

Source on GitHub

After install, change the variable cp_username in Alfred to your CodePen username (this is just to build the private pen link so it lands on your page)

Trigger your Alfred shortcut and tap…

  • cp to see list of shortcuts below
  • cpn for a New Pen
  • cpp for your Private Pens
  • cpd for your Dashboard
  • cps followed by your keywords to Search
  • cpsf followed by your keywords to Search (including forks)
  • cph for the CodePen Homepage

Also on CodePen

Demo of old version but the idea is the same

demo of old version but the idea is the same