项目作者: aportelli

项目描述 :
Grid-based workflow management system for lattice field theory simulations
高级语言: C++
项目地址: git://github.com/aportelli/Hadrons.git
创建时间: 2020-03-26T19:06:54Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v2.0


License: GPL v3 DOI Teamcity status),branch:default:true)/statusIcon.svg)
Grid-based workflow management system for
lattice field theory simulations

If Grid & Hadrons played an important role in the production of scientific results leading to a peer-reviewed publication, we would be grateful if you consider citing the GitHub repository in your paper, and/or invite some contributors for authorship if relevant (especially PhD students & postdoctoral researchers).

To generate a BibTeX citation, please see the Zenodo page.

Documentation (work in progress): https://aportelli.github.io/Hadrons-doc/.


Download and compile the Grid library and install it. Please refer to the
instructions from the Grid repository. Using
the develop branch of Grid is recommended.

Hadrons can be downloaded and built using

  1. git clone https://github.com/aportelli/Hadrons.git
  2. cd Hadrons
  3. ./bootstrap.sh
  4. mkdir build; cd build
  5. ../configure --with-grid=<dir>
  6. make -j<N>

<dir> is the installation prefix of Grid and <N> is the number of parallel
build tasks. All the compilation flags used for compiling Grid will be reused to
compile Hadrons. You can extend these flags or change the compiler by modifying
the CXXFLAGS and CXX environment variables.


The main Hadrons executables are in the utilities directory, examples can be
found in the tests directory, and can be built using make tests.
