An IOTA mixing service
TangleMixer is a coin-mixing service for IOTA. It is the first IOTA mixer for the mainnet! With TangleMixer you can anonymize the source of your IOTAs.
Unlike other coin-mixing services, TangleMixer purely uses the IOTA tangle to communicate. There’s no central website.
Every message is quantum proof encrypted with NTRU.
Steps involved:
Get a copy of the TangleMixer client to get started.
The TangleMixer client is written in java. Please ensure that you have java installed. Minimum verison is 1.8.0_151.
Start the client with:
java -jar tanglemixer-1.0.0.jar
The TangleMixer client guides you through the setup process.
Minimum deposit: 1000i (0.001 MIOTA)
1000i (0.001 MIOTA) to 150000i (0.15 MIOTA): FREE! Use small amounts to test our service.
Above 150000i (0.15 MIOTA): Fixed fee 100000i (0.1 MIOTA) + a random percentage between 0.5% to 1.0%
As there are fees involved we want to provide the best mixing service possible.
We hope that many users use our service, the fees help us to cover the costs.
If we would scam people we could close our service immediately.
We believe in IOTA and want to make it even better with this service.
You can simply test us, small deposits are free.
The TangleMixer service is quiet new, if something goes wrong TangleMixer returns the original amount back to the first given address.
If you have any questions please contact us via