WebRTC VidChat
This is a one to one video chatting application written in javascript running on a nodejs backend.
NOTE: This application only runs on HTTPS, as the use of HTTP with WebRTC is deprecated in most modern browsers.
Be certain to setup a self signed certificate for development purposes, and use LetsEncrypt free certificate in production (Any CA is applicable though).
Start by installing NodeJS
sudo yum install nodejs
sudo apt install nodejs
Then install npm
sudo yum install npm
sudo apt install npm
The app uses varibale in the .env file, to create one from the sample, execute:
cp .env.example .env
Now you need to get app dependencies using npm.
npm install
The above command downloads all dependecies in the package.json file.
Now you are ready to run the app. Execute:
npm start
This is an open source project released under the MIT licence, meaning anyone with ac
cess to this code can literally do whatever pleases them with the code.
The author of this source code, does not in any way assume any lose and/or damage that may arise from the use or acquisition of this software.
Happy Coding