项目作者: developer-ramesh

项目描述 :
Real time chat messaging web app with WebRTC for the Text Chat, Audio and Video call
高级语言: HTML
项目地址: git://github.com/developer-ramesh/chat-web-app.git
创建时间: 2021-06-29T18:36:03Z



Real time Chat messaging Web App

Real time chat messaging web app with Audio and Video call

Text Chat, Video Chat App with Node.js + Socket.io + WebRTC

How to run the project?

  1. Clone this repository in your local system.
  2. Open the command prompt from your project directory and run the command npm install
  3. Start server using command npm run dev or node server.js
  4. Go to your browser and type or http://localhost:3000/message/ in the address bar.
  5. Hurray! That’s it.