项目作者: windson

项目描述 :
Named Entity Recognition using C#
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/windson/NLP-NER-CSharp.git
创建时间: 2018-08-19T16:23:09Z




Named Entity Recognition using C#

Run the app

For this app to run, restore nuget packages and build.

This is a simple application to demonstrate the Named Entity Recognition using Stanford’s Natural Language Processing library ‘Stanford.NLP.CoreNLP’

XML Deserialization

This application features deserializing the ‘xml’ output generated and allows to perform LINQ operations. The corresponding models are present in Models directory.

The final output for the sample input document demo.txt file is shown below

(The contents of demo.txt file are just for educational purposes and are obtained from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ashok-leyland-ltd/stocks/companyid-14041.cms on 18/AUG/2018 )


  1. -----------Location-----------
  2. India
  3. -----------Organization-----------
  4. Ashok
  5. Leyland
  6. Ltd.
  7. Ashok
  8. Leyland
  9. Ltd.
  10. Spare
  11. Parts
  12. &
  13. Others
  14. Engine
  15. &
  16. Gensets
  17. Other
  18. Services
  19. Hinduja
  20. M
  21. S
  22. Krishnaswami
  23. &
  24. Rajan
  25. -----------Person-----------
  26. Palmer
  27. Balaji
  28. Rao
  29. Maria
  30. Alapont
  31. Asher
  32. Shroff
  33. Khanna