项目作者: SyncfusionExamples

项目描述 :
How to customize the day, week, month header of Schedule view in the Flutter event calendar (SfCalendar)
高级语言: Dart
项目地址: git://github.com/SyncfusionExamples/customize-day-week-month-header-flutter-event-calendar.git

How to customize the day, week, and month header of the Schedule view in the Flutter Calendar?

A quick-start example to help you to customize the day, week, and month header of the Schedule view in the Flutter Calendar.

You can customise the day, month, and week headers of the schedule view in the Flutter Event Calendar by using the DayHeaderSettings, WeekHeaderSettings, and MonthHeaderSettings properties of ScheduleViewsettings.

In this sample the schedule view’s day header, week header and month header has been customized. using the DayHeaderSettings you can customize the day format, width, day text style, and date text style of the day header.

Using the WeekHeaderSettings you can customize the start and end date format, height, Text alignment, background color, and week text style of the week header.

Using the MonthHeaderSetting you can customize the the month format, height, text alignment, background color, and month text style of the month header

For more details, Refer to our UG documentation Day header customization, Week header customization and Month header customization.

Requirements to run the demo

How to run this application

To run this application, you need to first clone or download the ‘create a flutter maps widget in 10 minutes’ repository and open it in your preferred IDE. Then, build and run your project to view the output.

Further help

For more help, check the Syncfusion Flutter documentation,
Flutter documentation.