项目作者: 5m0k3

项目描述 :
My modified version of EfficientDet training, cross-validation and inference with Pseudo Labelling pytorch pipelines used in GWD Kaggle Competition
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/5m0k3/gwd-efficientdet-pytorch.git
创建时间: 2020-08-05T09:38:12Z



pytorch based EfficientDet solution - Global Wheat Detection

A complete pytorch pipeline for training, cross-validation and inference notebooks used in Kaggle competition Global Wheat Detection (May-Aug 2020)

Table of Contents

Brief overview of the competition images

Wheat heads were from various sources:
A few labeled images are as shown: (Blue bounding boxes)
head head

Notebooks description

A brief content description is provided here, for detailed descriptions check the notebook comments

[TRAIN] notebook

  1. Pre-Processing:

    • Handled the noisy labels (too big/small boxes etc.)
    • Stratified 5 fold split based on source
  2. Augmentations:

    • Albumentations - RandomSizedCrop, HueSaturationValue, RandomBrightnessContrast, RandomRotate90, Flip, Cutout, ShiftScaleRotate
    • Mixup - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.09412.pdf
      2 images are mixed
    • Mosaic - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.12432.pdf
      4 images are cropped and stitched together
    • Mixup-Mosaic: Combining the above two, applying mixup to 2 (top-right and bottom-left) of the 4 quarters of mosaic
  3. Configurations:

    • Optimizer - Adam Weight Decay (AdamW)
    • LR Scheduler - ReduceLRonPleateau (initial LR = 0.0003, factor = 0.5)
    • Model - EfficientDet D5 (pytorch implementation of the original tensorflow version)
    • Input Size - 1024 * 1024
    • Last and Best 3 checkpoints saved

[CV] Cross Validation notebook

  1. Pre-Processing:

    • Same as in [TRAIN]
  2. Test Time Augmentations:

    • Flips and Rotate
    • Color shift
    • Scale (scale down with padding)
  3. Ensemble:

    • Support for ensembling of multiple folds of the same model
    • Weighted Boxes Fusion is used to ensemble final predicted boxes
  4. Automated Threshold Calculations:

    • Confidence level threshold is calculated based on ground truth labels
    • Optimal Final CV score (Metric: IoU) is obtained through this

[INFERENCE] Submission notebook

  1. Test Time Augmentations:

    • Same as in [CV]
  2. Pseudo Labelling:

    • Multi-Round Pseudo Labelling pipeline based on https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.02983.pdf
    • Implemented Cross Validation calculations at the end of each round to decide the best thresholds for Pseudo Labels in the next round
    • Training pipeline same as in [TRAIN]
  3. Post-Processing and Result:

    • Included final bounding boxes reshaping function
      (Red : Original | Blue : Altered {+5%})
    • Final predictions made with ensembled combinations of TTA

How to use

Just change the directories according to your environment.

Google Colab deployed versions are available for
[TRAIN] Open In Colab
[CV] Open In Colab

In case of any deprecation issues/warnings in future, use the modules available in Resources folder.


Acknowledging the shortcomings is the first step for progress. Thus, listing the possible improvements that could’ve made my Model better:

  • Ensemble Multi-Model/Fold predictions for Pseudo Labels, currently single model is used to make pseudo labels. Would’ve made the model more robust to noise too.
  • GAN or Style Transfer could’ve been used to produce more similar labeled images from the current train images for better generalization.
  • Relabeling of noisy labels using multi-folds. (Tried but failed)
  • IoU loss used in training should be replaced by modern SOTA GIoU, CIoU or DIoU