JavaFX Graphics module as an Ant-based NetBeans project
This repository is a NetBeans project that contains the JavaFX Graphics module and uses Apache Ant to build its modular JAR file ( I use this project to edit, compile, and test my changes to the Monocle EPD platform before copying the modified files into my fork of the official JavaFX repository.
The Java Platform for this project is the default platform, which is OpenJDK 13.0.1 for my installation of NetBeans 11.2. You can set up the project’s dependency on the JavaFX SDK as described below.
Download the Early-Access Build of the JavaFX Linux SDK and the JavaFX Documentation:
Extract the JavaFX Linux SDK into ~/lib
$ mkdir ~/lib
$ cd ~/lib
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
Extract the JavaFX Sources into ~/lib/javafx-sdk-14/src
$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-14
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ unzip ../lib/
Extract the JavaFX Documentation into ~/lib/javafx-sdk-14/doc
$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-14
$ unzip ~/Downloads/
$ mv openjfx-14-ea+1-javadoc doc
Those steps should resolve any problems with the project in NetBeans. If not, check the Modulepath as described below.
Add the JavaFX modular JAR files to the project’s Compile Modulepath. To do so, navigate to the Properties > Libraries > Compile tab, click the “+” sign to the right of Modulepath, select “Add JAR/Folder,” and add the following six files:
Note: Do not add or javafx-swt.jar. This project builds the JavaFX Graphics module, and the SWT file is not a module JAR file.
Select each item in the Modulepath and click the Edit button to add the Sources directory to its corresponding modular JAR file:
Select each item in the Modulepath and click the Edit button to add the Javadoc directory to its corresponding modular JAR file: