项目作者: zenitheesc

项目描述 :
App para rastreamento de Sondas Atmosféricas do grupo Zenith Aerospace
高级语言: Dart
项目地址: git://github.com/zenitheesc/Zenith-Monitor.git
创建时间: 2020-06-07T00:30:46Z



Zenith Monitor

Track Atmospheric Probes streamming data in Real-Time

Environment and Tools
Steps to run and debug
How to contribute?

Environment and tools

This is a Flutter Project. Once you have Flutter installed, you can run flutter pub get on the main folder to fetch dependencies.
These are the main ones:

Steps to run

  1. flutter run

Be sure to have either a phone or an emulator connected with Flutter. You can always check with flutter doctor.

How to contribute

Fork this repository. Use git to clone it and create a new branch with a name: feature/<feature-name>. Then open a Pull-Request. You should be greeted by a bot to help you after that :smile:. Also check out this Contributing Guide
