项目作者: jitendra3109
项目描述 :
Project Ideas to solve the real life Problems.
项目地址: git://github.com/jitendra3109/Brain_Strom.git
Ideas to solve the real life Problems.
This project is open source where Anybody get Idea to reslove exist real life problem
and also share their thought here so somebody can actully implement.
Thanks so much for wanting to help! We really appreciate it.
- Have an idea for a new feature?
- Want to add a new built-in theme?
Excellent! You’ve come to the right place.
- If you find a bug or wish to suggest a new feature, please create an issue first
- Make sure your code & comment conventions are in-line with the project’s style
- Make your commits and PRs as tiny as possible - one feature or bugfix at a time
- Write detailed commit messages, in-line with the project’s commit naming conventions