Solubility and concentration database of common chemical substances.
Solubility and concentration database of common chemical substances.
Solubility of common salts at ambient temperatures. Solubility values are
given in molality terms and temperature values in celsius. Reference: Rumble, J.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 98th Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Aqueous solubility of 316 inorganic compounds at various temperatures.
Solubility values are expressed as mass percent of solute. Reference: Rumble, J.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 98th Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Just clone or download this repo. This is not a package (yet, maybe someday :-))
See the tutorials files for each data set.
This project relies mainly on Pandas,
SciPy, Matplotlib and
All contributions are welcome.
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F. L. S. Bustamante, Solutions - Solubility and concentration database of
common chemical substances., 2020 - Available at: