Easily restify odin databases
Easily restify odin databases
or higher is required.0.10.20
or higher is required.0.8.0
or higher is required.
npm i -s foxify-restify-odin
const Foxify = require('foxify');
const restify = require('foxify-restify-odin');
const User = require('./models/User');
let app = new Foxify();
app.get('/users', restify(User), async (req, res) => {
users: await req.fro.query.get(),
total_users: await req.fro.counter.count(),
type Operator = "lt" | "lte" | "eq" | "ne" | "gte" | "gt" |
"exists" | "in" | "nin" | "bet" | "nbe" | "like" | "nlike";
interface FilterObject {
field: string;
operator: Operator;
value: string | number | boolean | any[] | object | Date;
interface Filter {
and?: Array<FilterObject | Filter>;
or?: Array<FilterObject | Filter>;
has?: string | { relation: string, filter: Filter | FilterObject };
interface Query {
filter?: Filter | FilterObject;
include?: string[];
sort?: string[];
skip?: number;
limit?: number;
interface RouteOptions {
pre?: Foxify.Handler | Foxify.Handler[];
post?: Foxify.Handler | Foxify.Handler[];
interface RoutesOptions {
index: RouteOptions & { lean?: boolean; } | false;
count: RouteOptions | false;
store: RouteOptions | false;
show: RouteOptions | false;
update: RouteOptions | false;
delete: RouteOptions | false;
interface Options {
name: string;
prefix: string;
qs: QSParseOptions;
defaults: Query;
pre: Foxify.Handler | Foxify.Handler[];
routes: Partial<RoutesOptions>;
restify(model: typeof Odin, options: Partial<restify.Options> = {}): Router;
This module’s middleware parses url query string and executes a query on the given model accordingly and passes the query
to you (since you might need to do some modifications on the query, too)
It also passes a counter
which is exactly like query
but without applying skip
, limit
, sort
just because you might want to send a total count in your response as well
Lastly it passes the a decoded
key in req.fro
which is the parsed query string that is used in the middleware
Stringify all query params using qs default options
All the possible query modifiers are explained as a single modification but they all can be used together
filter: {
field: "username",
operator: "eq",
value: "ardalanamini",
filter: {
or: [
field: "username",
operator: "eq",
value: "ardalanamini",
and: [
field: "age",
operator: "gte",
value: 18,
field: "email",
operator: "exists",
value: true,
filter can be a single filter object or and
of Array\
possible operators:
| lte
| eq
| ne
| gte
| gt
| exists
| in
| nin
| bet
| nbe
| like
| nlike
include: [
sort: [
"field1", // same as "+field1"
skip: 100,
limit: 10,
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
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