项目作者: guitarrapc

项目描述 :
Implementation of some of comparison based sorting algorithms
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/guitarrapc/SortAlgorithmLab.git
创建时间: 2018-05-17T16:39:55Z

开源协议:MIT License



This repository shows implementation for the Major Sort Algorithm.
Aim not to use LINQ or similar ease to use, but memory unefficient technique.

Suppose to work on following platform.

Language Platform Remarks
C# .NET 9.0
Go ?? not yet.
PowerShell PowerShell Core not yet.
Pythom 3.x not yet.
Swift 4.x not yet.


CSharp Status

### Implementation

#### Exchange Sort

[x] BubbleSort [x] OddEvenSort
[x] CocktailShakerSort [x] Optimized
[x] Normal [x] CombSort
[x] StoogeSort [x] SlowSort
[x] GnomeSort [x] Optimized
[x] Normal [x] Nearly Optimized
[x] Unefficient [x] StoogeSort
[x] SlowSort

#### Selection Sort
[x] SelectionSort
[x] HeapSort [x] CycleSort

#### Insertion Sort

[x] InsertSort [x] BinaryInsertSort
[x] ShellSort [x] BinaryTreeSort

#### Partition Sort (+Exchange Sort)

[x] QuickSort Median3 [x] QuickSort Median9
[x] QuickSort DualPivot [x] QuickSort Median3 + Insert
[x] QuickSort Median9 + Insert [x] QuickSort DualPivot + Insert
[x] QuickSort Median3 + BinaryInsert [x] QuickSort Median9 + BinaryInsert
[x] QuickSort DualPivot + BinaryInsert

#### Merge Sort
[x] MergeSort
[x] Optimized [x] Normal
[x] ShiftSort [x] DropMergeSort

#### Distributed Sort

[x] BucketSort [x] Int only
[x] T [x] RadixLSD10Sort
[x] RadixLSD4Sort [x] CountingSort

#### Hybrid Sort

[x] IntroSortMedian9 (Quick + Heap + Insert) [ ] TimSort (Merge + Insert) : WIP

#### Other Sort

[x] PancakeSort

### Benchmark
[ ] Benchmark : WIP

### Tests

[x] UnitTest

### Data
[x] CSV
* [x] Chart


Better algorithm for Numerics

Algorithm Stable Space Order Remarks
Counting Sort O n + r n + r Need numeric key for T use.
Radix4 Sort (LSD) O n + 2^d n*k/d Need numeric key for T use. (Radix10 use mod.)

Better always nice performance for general purpose

Algorithm Stable Space Order Remarks
QuickSort Median9(with BinaryInsertSort) X log n n log n May better on “Reversed, Mountain and NearlySorted” cases. But InsertSort shows a bit better performance on random.
QuickSort Median9(with InsertSort) X log n n log n Better than pure QuickSort Median 3 version and DualPivot QuickSort.
QuickSort DualPivot(InsertSort) X log 2n n log n Better than Median 3. Slightly unefficient on “Reversed, Mountain and NearlySorted” cases.
IntroSort X log n n log n MergeSort has some bug on this implementation. Need fix.
ShiftSort O n n log n Better than MergeSort and is Stable.
TimSort O n n logg n Not implemented yet.

Description Chart




#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4752 | 4752 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 2968 | 2968 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 3519 | 3519 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1294 | 1294 | 230
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 14321 | 14377 | 99
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 1931
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 2161 | 2061 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 4213 | 4213 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 2059 | 2152 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 4222 | 4222 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
Random | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 733 | 1081 | 639
Random | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 2061 | 2061 | 2061
Random | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 2790 | 531 | 2160
Random | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 432 | 282 | 432
Random | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 662 | 0
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 415 | 709 | 211
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 301 | 1182 | 225
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 380 | 472 | 322
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 341 | 351 | 105
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 212 | 286 | 109
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 252 | 284 | 187
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 410 | 396 | 113
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 288 | 335 | 118
Random | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 252 | 284 | 187
Random | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 528 | 538 | 611
Random | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 529 | 672
Random | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 887 | 663 | 13
Random | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
Random | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 420 | 200 | 0
Random | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2787 | 0 | 0
Random | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 399 | 0 | 0
Random | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 275 | 333 | 122

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 480519 | 480519 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 337069 | 337069 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 384540 | 384540 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 22703 | 22703 | 4118
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1486526 | 1486985 | 999
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 254232 | 253232 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 507450 | 507450 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 253226 | 254218 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 507464 | 507464 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
Random | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 10570 | 17212 | 9578
Random | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 253232 | 253232 | 253232
Random | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 263812 | 8582 | 254231
Random | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 9657 | 4821 | 9657
Random | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 10825 | 0
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 7054 | 10046 | 2820
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 4892 | 13902 | 2995
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 6352 | 8336 | 4816
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 5621 | 5843 | 1655
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 3673 | 4541 | 1647
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 5326 | 6702 | 3454
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 5752 | 5941 | 1666
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 3731 | 4584 | 1652
Random | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 5326 | 6702 | 3454
Random | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 6703 | 8715 | 9375
Random | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 8722 | 9976
Random | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 15037 | 11050 | 195
Random | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
Random | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6030 | 3000 | 0
Random | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 9790 | 0 | 0
Random | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3999 | 0 | 0
Random | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 3789 | 4600 | 1636

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 49455054 | 49455054 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 33349697 | 33349697 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 37557422 | 37557422 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 306727 | 306727 | 59027
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 149772581 | 149777486 | 9998
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 24957124 | 24947124 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 49904244 | 49904244 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 24947131 | 24957120 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 49904248 | 49904248 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
Random | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 139586 | 239415 | 129597
Random | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 24947124 | 24947124 | 24947124
Random | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 25086140 | 119018 | 24957123
Random | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 158311 | 75084 | 158311
Random | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 158231 | 0
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 111247 | 141238 | 35510
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 68368 | 158246 | 37934
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 91626 | 126247 | 69744
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 96134 | 98563 | 23530
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 55971 | 64919 | 24565
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 81560 | 110112 | 56201
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 96347 | 98734 | 23544
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 56091 | 65015 | 24573
Random | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 81560 | 110112 | 56201
Random | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 86556 | 120479 | 128028
Random | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 120434 | 133616
Random | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 208659 | 154270 | 1626
Random | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
Random | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80040 | 40000 | 0
Random | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 81750 | 0 | 0
Random | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 39999 | 0 | 0
Random | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 59865 | 68706 | 24219



##### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4851 | 4851 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 3376 | 3376 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 4004 | 4004 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1195 | 1195 | 260
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 14553 | 14602 | 97
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 2096
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 2453 | 2353 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 4804 | 4804 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 2360 | 2451 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 4806 | 4806 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
MixRandom | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 745 | 1093 | 652
MixRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 2353 | 2353 | 2353
MixRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 3072 | 521 | 2452
MixRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 455 | 282 | 455
MixRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 648 | 0
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 385 | 678 | 212
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 320 | 1210 | 209
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 327 | 462 | 292
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 239 | 252 | 107
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 221 | 281 | 111
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 228 | 302 | 152
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 290 | 285 | 113
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 329 | 350 | 124
MixRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 228 | 302 | 152
MixRandom | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 526 | 542 | 613
MixRandom | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 532 | 672
MixRandom | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 860 | 646 | 9
MixRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
MixRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 552 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 3806 | 400 | 0
MixRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 502 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 192 | 269 | 100

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 486513 | 486513 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 331613 | 331613 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 376740 | 376740 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 21704 | 21704 | 3982
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1484143 | 1484626 | 1000
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 247900 | 246900 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 494792 | 494792 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 246899 | 247892 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 494800 | 494800 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 10608 | 17279 | 9615
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 246900 | 246900 | 246900
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 257470 | 8572 | 247899
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 9093 | 4821 | 9093
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 10199 | 0
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 7289 | 10278 | 2802
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 4994 | 14004 | 2966
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 6059 | 8484 | 5081
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 5699 | 5912 | 1618
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 3815 | 4689 | 1681
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 5118 | 6909 | 3703
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 5794 | 5983 | 1626
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 3933 | 4777 | 1691
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 5118 | 6909 | 3703
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 6676 | 8736 | 9369
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 8739 | 9976
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 14833 | 10855 | 162
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 7072 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 10624 | 4000 | 0
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 5009 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 4408 | 5280 | 1655

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 49695030 | 49695030 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 33040970 | 33040970 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 37407347 | 37407347 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 306727 | 306727 | 58477
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 149663752 | 149668801 | 9999
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 24698139 | 24688139 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 49386266 | 49386266 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 24688133 | 24698127 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 49386278 | 49386278 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 139531 | 239289 | 129538
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 24688139 | 24688139 | 24688139
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 24827153 | 119016 | 24698138
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 156459 | 75084 | 156459
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 158147 | 0
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 104424 | 134411 | 35695
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 66974 | 156784 | 38074
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 94235 | 130818 | 75901
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 88809 | 91182 | 23590
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 54571 | 63477 | 24662
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 84245 | 114702 | 62495
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 88899 | 91254 | 23596
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 54736 | 63609 | 24673
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 84245 | 114702 | 62495
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 86706 | 120357 | 128056
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 120312 | 133616
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 210398 | 156079 | 1691
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 90093 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 82516 | 40000 | 0
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 50006 | 0 | 0
MixRandom | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 58841 | 67580 | 24246



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4554 | 4554 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 3238 | 3238 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 3725 | 3725 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1294 | 1294 | 249
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 13824 | 13852 | 100
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 2214
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 2435 | 2335 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 4765 | 4765 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 2336 | 2430 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 4770 | 4770 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 704 | 1052 | 611
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 2335 | 2335 | 2335
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 3071 | 538 | 2434
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 489 | 282 | 489
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 607 | 0
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 353 | 644 | 209
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 292 | 1177 | 221
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 378 | 472 | 289
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 230 | 240 | 98
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 217 | 279 | 124
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 281 | 326 | 164
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 290 | 279 | 105
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 328 | 351 | 137
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 281 | 326 | 164
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 539 | 536 | 620
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 539 | 672
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 868 | 647 | 20
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 798 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 3801 | 400 | 0
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 605 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 212 | 304 | 97

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 481518 | 481518 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 338816 | 338816 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 385497 | 385497 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 21704 | 21704 | 4045
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1484619 | 1485085 | 998
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 253723 | 252723 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 506441 | 506441 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 252726 | 253718 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 506446 | 506446 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 10598 | 17241 | 9605
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 252723 | 252723 | 252723
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 263314 | 8593 | 253722
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 8829 | 4821 | 8829
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 12805 | 0
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 6861 | 9848 | 2816
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 4934 | 13893 | 2975
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 6553 | 8694 | 4713
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 5299 | 5489 | 1651
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 3668 | 4576 | 1672
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 5501 | 6993 | 3348
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 5440 | 5594 | 1663
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 3750 | 4637 | 1679
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 5501 | 6993 | 3348
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 6706 | 8683 | 9346
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 8717 | 9976
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 14715 | 10802 | 180
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 9128 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 10815 | 4000 | 0
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 6005 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 4058 | 4944 | 1672

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 49925007 | 49925007 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 33130856 | 33130856 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 37447455 | 37447455 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 306727 | 306727 | 58986
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 149827504 | 149832357 | 10000
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 24810886 | 24800886 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 49611765 | 49611765 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 24800887 | 24810879 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 49611772 | 49611772 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 139467 | 239305 | 129473
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 24800886 | 24800886 | 24800886
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 24939871 | 118987 | 24810885
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 166655 | 75084 | 166655
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 164429 | 0
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 106166 | 136151 | 35500
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 71099 | 160855 | 37646
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 96917 | 126604 | 70754
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 90669 | 92977 | 23440
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 58546 | 67306 | 24208
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 86666 | 110114 | 57216
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 90895 | 93158 | 23455
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 58666 | 67402 | 24216
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 86666 | 110114 | 57216
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 86789 | 120421 | 128203
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 120335 | 133616
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 208489 | 154057 | 1746
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 110158 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 82774 | 40000 | 0
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 60007 | 0 | 0
NegativeRandom | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 63312 | 72185 | 23875



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 5049 | 5049 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 4950 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 4950 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1195 | 1195 | 116
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 8774 | 8725 | 100
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 5050 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 9900 | 9900 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 4851 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 10000 | 10000 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
Reversed | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 614 | 955 | 516
Reversed | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 4950 | 4950 | 4950
Reversed | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 5721 | 573 | 5049
Reversed | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 474 | 282 | 474
Reversed | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 4950 | 0
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 1705 | 1995 | 148
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 474 | 1266 | 148
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 2450 | 2500 | 150
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 1404 | 1508 | 95
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 201 | 261 | 56
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 2394 | 2436 | 126
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 1524 | 1583 | 110
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 289 | 316 | 67
Reversed | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 2394 | 2436 | 126
Reversed | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 811 | 316 | 672
Reversed | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 356 | 672
Reversed | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 1114 | 820 | 49
Reversed | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
Reversed | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 420 | 200 | 0
Reversed | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2745 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 398 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 211 | 266 | 61

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 500499 | 500499 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 499500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 499500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 20705 | 20705 | 1536
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 875249 | 874750 | 1000
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 500500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 999000 | 999000 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 498501 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 1000000 | 1000000 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
Reversed | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 9314 | 15981 | 8316
Reversed | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 499500 | 499500 | 499500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 510475 | 8977 | 500499
Reversed | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 5990 | 4821 | 5990
Reversed | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 499500 | 0
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 167127 | 170114 | 1498
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 7978 | 15970 | 1498
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 249500 | 250000 | 1500
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 167240 | 169037 | 1393
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 5001 | 5456 | 562
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 249444 | 249936 | 1476
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 167405 | 169157 | 1408
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 5155 | 5568 | 576
Reversed | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 249444 | 249936 | 1476
Reversed | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 11087 | 4932 | 9976
Reversed | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 5044 | 9976
Reversed | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 17484 | 13022 | 499
Reversed | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
Reversed | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6030 | 3000 | 0
Reversed | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 9786 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3998 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 5011 | 5514 | 514

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 50004999 | 50004999 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 49995000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 296728 | 296728 | 20094
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 87502499 | 87497500 | 10000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 50005000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 99990000 | 99990000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 49985001 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 100000000 | 100000000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 126694 | 226719 | 116696
Reversed | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 49995000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 50138615 | 123617 | 50004999
Reversed | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 55972 | 75084 | 55972
Reversed | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 49995000 | 0
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 16671462 | 16701445 | 14998
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 113618 | 193610 | 14998
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 24995000 | 25000000 | 15000
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 16680156 | 16699853 | 14845
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 90001 | 97170 | 6022
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 24994944 | 24999936 | 14976
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 16680381 | 16700033 | 14860
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 90121 | 97266 | 6030
Reversed | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 24994944 | 24999936 | 14976
Reversed | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 148015 | 64608 | 133616
Reversed | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 69008 | 133616
Reversed | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 242280 | 180856 | 4999
Reversed | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
Reversed | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80040 | 40000 | 0
Reversed | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 81750 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 39998 | 0 | 0
Reversed | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 90001 | 98184 | 5008



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 3333 | 3333 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 4454 | 4454 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1195 | 1195 | 149
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 14555 | 14602 | 98
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 2550 | 2450 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 4999 | 4999 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 2500 | 2549 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 5000 | 5000 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
Mountain | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 767 | 1097 | 718
Mountain | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 2450 | 2450 | 2450
Mountain | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 3154 | 506 | 2549
Mountain | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 280 | 282 | 280
Mountain | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 2549 | 0
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 833 | 1125 | 209
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 324 | 1192 | 215
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 592 | 1008 | 677
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 682 | 692 | 133
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 238 | 307 | 120
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 516 | 872 | 525
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 775 | 752 | 144
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 322 | 361 | 130
Mountain | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 516 | 872 | 525
Mountain | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 609 | 385 | 539
Mountain | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 385 | 672
Mountain | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 650 | 518 | 24
Mountain | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
Mountain | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 425 | 200 | 0
Mountain | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2795 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 349 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 203 | 273 | 104

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 499500 | 499500 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 333333 | 333333 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 444554 | 444554 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 20705 | 20705 | 2339
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1469567 | 1470038 | 998
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 250500 | 249500 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 499999 | 499999 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 250000 | 250499 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 500000 | 500000 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
Mountain | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 12495 | 19020 | 11996
Mountain | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 249500 | 249500 | 249500
Mountain | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 259784 | 8286 | 250499
Mountain | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 3999 | 4821 | 3999
Mountain | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 250499 | 0
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 19300 | 22289 | 2879
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 5233 | 14039 | 2939
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 23130 | 32482 | 24040
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 17529 | 17775 | 1858
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 3971 | 4813 | 1701
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 22690 | 31642 | 22840
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 17706 | 17907 | 1873
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 4086 | 4898 | 1711
Mountain | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 22690 | 31642 | 22840
Mountain | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 8316 | 5487 | 7760
Mountain | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 5487 | 9976
Mountain | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 9735 | 7727 | 249
Mountain | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
Mountain | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6035 | 3000 | 0
Mountain | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 9788 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3499 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 3790 | 4610 | 1689

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 33333333 | 33333333 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 44445554 | 44445554 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 296728 | 296728 | 32199
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 149649511 | 149654482 | 9998
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 25005000 | 24995000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 49999999 | 49999999 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 25000000 | 25004999 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 50000000 | 50000000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 174291 | 272242 | 169292
Mountain | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 24995000 | 24995000 | 24995000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 25131333 | 116335 | 25004999
Mountain | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 42065 | 75084 | 42065
Mountain | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 25004999 | 0
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 367464 | 397449 | 36263
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 71863 | 159750 | 37635
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 1046345 | 1181046 | 1055786
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 349626 | 352995 | 25417
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 58290 | 66258 | 24788
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 1043966 | 1175344 | 1046000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 349855 | 353179 | 25432
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 58441 | 66379 | 24798
Mountain | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 1043966 | 1175344 | 1046000
Mountain | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 111012 | 71807 | 103812
Mountain | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 71807 | 133616
Mountain | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 131133 | 102885 | 2499
Mountain | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
Mountain | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80045 | 40000 | 0
Mountain | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 81770 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 34999 | 0 | 0
Mountain | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 56664 | 65097 | 24920



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4752 | 4752 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 912 | 912 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 1790 | 1790 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1195 | 1195 | 144
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 12963 | 12960 | 95
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 507 | 407 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 913 | 913 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 497 | 506 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 914 | 914 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 989 | 1355 | 981
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 407 | 407 | 407
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 1090 | 485 | 506
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 167 | 282 | 167
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 4530 | 0
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 677 | 969 | 147
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 432 | 1290 | 161
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 548 | 837 | 440
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 449 | 403 | 129
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 345 | 341 | 117
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 458 | 685 | 285
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 567 | 479 | 143
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 463 | 417 | 131
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 458 | 685 | 285
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 463 | 383 | 391
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 348 | 672
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 257 | 239 | 1
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 420 | 200 | 0
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2754 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 395 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 261 | 319 | 41

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 486513 | 486513 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 12889 | 12889 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 21747 | 21747 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 20705 | 20705 | 1837
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1323562 | 1323544 | 979
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 6556 | 5556 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 12111 | 12111 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 6545 | 6555 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 12112 | 12112 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 16799 | 23768 | 16790
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 5556 | 5556 | 5556
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 15551 | 7997 | 6555
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 2288 | 4821 | 2288
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 493931 | 0
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 73095 | 76087 | 1610
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 7288 | 16010 | 1819
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 21523 | 38312 | 22067
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 71747 | 72353 | 1035
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 5683 | 6338 | 500
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 19788 | 36192 | 19596
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 71911 | 72475 | 1049
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 5778 | 6409 | 508
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 19788 | 36192 | 19596
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 6057 | 5107 | 5121
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 4995 | 9976
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 2849 | 2833 | 1
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6030 | 3000 | 0
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 9786 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3989 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 5876 | 6624 | 448

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 43505649 | 43505649 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 113087 | 113087 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 219747 | 219747 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 306727 | 306727 | 16409
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 119252999 | 119251704 | 8702
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 57027 | 47027 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 104053 | 104053 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 57016 | 57026 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 104054 | 104054 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 235815 | 339406 | 235806
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 47027 | 47027 | 47027
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 180660 | 113635 | 57026
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 19887 | 75084 | 19887
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 49947961 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 9547732 | 9577717 | 15421
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 107110 | 193364 | 17275
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 1190912 | 1809814 | 776586
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 9537873 | 9546682 | 9957
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 92612 | 100346 | 4592
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 1182928 | 1800579 | 765602
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 9538102 | 9546866 | 9972
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 92826 | 100518 | 4606
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 1182928 | 1800579 | 765602
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 79023 | 69096 | 69112
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 64698 | 133616
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 24798 | 24781 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80040 | 40000 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 81750 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 39989 | 0 | 0
NearlySorted | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 94398 | 102317 | 3815



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 99 | 99 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 99 | 99 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 197 | 197 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1096 | 1096 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 5049 | 4950 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 100 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 99 | 99 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 99 | 99 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 100 | 100 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
Sorted | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 959 | 1340 | 960
Sorted | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 0 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 678 | 480 | 99
Sorted | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 0 | 282 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 4950 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 1804 | 2094 | 99
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 573 | 1365 | 99
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 2450 | 2500 | 100
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 1503 | 1607 | 46
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 300 | 360 | 7
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 2394 | 2436 | 84
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 1623 | 1682 | 61
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 388 | 415 | 18
Sorted | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 2394 | 2436 | 84
Sorted | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 455 | 356 | 356
Sorted | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 316 | 672
Sorted | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 99 | 99 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 420 | 200 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2745 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 399 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 297 | 358 | 0

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 999 | 999 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 999 | 999 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 1997 | 1997 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 19706 | 19706 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 500499 | 499500 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 1000 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 999 | 999 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 999 | 999 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 1000 | 1000 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
Sorted | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 15973 | 22961 | 15974
Sorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 0 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 9985 | 7987 | 999
Sorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 0 | 4821 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 499500 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 168126 | 171113 | 999
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 8977 | 16969 | 999
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 249500 | 250000 | 1000
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 168239 | 170036 | 894
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 6000 | 6455 | 63
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 249444 | 249936 | 984
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 168404 | 170156 | 909
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 6154 | 6567 | 77
Sorted | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 249444 | 249936 | 984
Sorted | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 6043 | 5044 | 5044
Sorted | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 4932 | 9976
Sorted | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 999 | 999 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6030 | 3000 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 9786 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3999 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 5994 | 6450 | 0

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 9999 | 9999 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 9999 | 9999 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 19997 | 19997 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 286729 | 286729 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 50004999 | 49995000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 10000 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 9999 | 9999 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 9999 | 9999 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 10000 | 10000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
Sorted | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 227261 | 330893 | 227262
Sorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 0 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 133629 | 113631 | 9999
Sorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 0 | 75084 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 49995000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 16681461 | 16711444 | 9999
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 123617 | 203609 | 9999
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 24995000 | 25000000 | 10000
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 16690155 | 16709852 | 9846
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 100000 | 107169 | 1023
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 24994944 | 24999936 | 9984
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 16690380 | 16710032 | 9861
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 100120 | 107265 | 1031
Sorted | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 24994944 | 24999936 | 9984
Sorted | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 79007 | 69008 | 69008
Sorted | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 64608 | 133616
Sorted | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 9999 | 9999 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80040 | 40000 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 81750 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 39999 | 0 | 0
Sorted | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 99990 | 107160 | 0



#### Size : 100

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 4257 | 4257 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 3352 | 3352 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 3915 | 3915 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 1096 | 1096 | 112
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 13022 | 13433 | 88
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 4950 | 4950 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | SlowSort | 1795978 | 1795978 | 1379
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 2399 | 2299 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 4696 | 4696 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 2312 | 2397 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 4698 | 4698 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 4950 | 4950 | 100
SameValues | 100 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 666 | 1028 | 570
SameValues | 100 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 2299 | 2299 | 2299
SameValues | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 3028 | 531 | 2398
SameValues | 100 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 312 | 282 | 312
SameValues | 100 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 100 | 884 | 0
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 205 | 492 | 269
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 166 | 1019 | 278
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 380 | 456 | 202
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 150 | 173 | 95
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 133 | 227 | 109
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 271 | 333 | 167
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 214 | 213 | 103
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 181 | 257 | 115
SameValues | 100 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 271 | 333 | 167
SameValues | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 562 | 517 | 624
SameValues | 100 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 771 | 533 | 672
SameValues | 100 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 839 | 634 | 12
SameValues | 100 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 200 | 100 | 0
SameValues | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 426 | 200 | 0
SameValues | 100 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 2835 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 100 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 398 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 100 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 132 | 219 | 113

#### Size : 1000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 499500 | 499500 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 452547 | 452547 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 309936 | 309936 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 369705 | 369705 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 20705 | 20705 | 1197
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 1155444 | 1190906 | 888
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 499500 | 499500 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 212407 | 211407 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 423811 | 423811 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 211500 | 212404 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 423814 | 423814 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 499500 | 499500 | 1000
SameValues | 1000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 8827 | 14777 | 7830
SameValues | 1000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 211407 | 211407 | 211407
SameValues | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 221928 | 8523 | 212406
SameValues | 1000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 3433 | 4821 | 3433
SameValues | 1000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 1000 | 63519 | 0
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 2195 | 4988 | 4358
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 2060 | 10166 | 4349
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 4331 | 4961 | 1432
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 2207 | 2366 | 2388
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 2087 | 2789 | 2436
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 4331 | 4961 | 1432
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 2328 | 2454 | 2399
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 2186 | 2861 | 2445
SameValues | 1000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 4331 | 4961 | 1432
SameValues | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 7056 | 8497 | 9510
SameValues | 1000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 10975 | 8485 | 9976
SameValues | 1000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 14415 | 10630 | 107
SameValues | 1000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 2000 | 1000 | 0
SameValues | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 6042 | 3000 | 0
SameValues | 1000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 10033 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 1000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 3880 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 1000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 1937 | 2616 | 2366

#### Size : 10000

InputType | ArraySize | IsSorted | SortType | Algorithm | IndexAccessCount | CompareCount | SwapCount
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ——
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | BubbleSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | OddEvenSort | 45025497 | 45025497 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort | 31719921 | 31719921 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | CocktailShakerSort2 | 37347065 | 37347065 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | CombSort | 296728 | 296728 | 12942
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | CycleSort | 127062848 | 131131230 | 9011
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | StoogeSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort | 22265791 | 22255791 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort1 | 44521581 | 44521581 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort2 | 22256825 | 22265790 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Exchange | GnomeSort3 | 44521582 | 44521582 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Selection | SelectionSort | 49995000 | 49995000 | 10000
SameValues | 10000 | True | Selection | HeapSort | 125745 | 219557 | 115751
SameValues | 10000 | True | Insertion | InsertSort | 22255791 | 22255791 | 22255791
SameValues | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryInsertSort | 22394271 | 118482 | 22265790
SameValues | 10000 | True | Insertion | ShellSort | 39555 | 75084 | 39555
SameValues | 10000 | True | Insertion | BinaryTreeSort | 10000 | 5043193 | 0
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3 | 32992 | 61933 | 59009
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9 | 20551 | 100728 | 59646
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSort | 46129 | 55112 | 13094
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3Insert | 33803 | 35500 | 39715
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9Insert | 21325 | 27451 | 40058
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortInsert | 46129 | 55112 | 13094
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian3BinaryInsert | 33938 | 35608 | 39724
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickSortMedian9BinaryInsert | 21445 | 27547 | 40066
SameValues | 10000 | True | Partition | QuickDualPivotSortBinaryInsert | 46129 | 55112 | 13094
SameValues | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort | 92224 | 116315 | 129532
SameValues | 10000 | True | Merge | MergeSort2 | 143615 | 116351 | 133616
SameValues | 10000 | True | Merge | ShiftSort | 202197 | 148414 | 1273
SameValues | 10000 | True | Distributed | BucketSort | 20000 | 10000 | 0
SameValues | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD10Sort | 80055 | 40000 | 0
SameValues | 10000 | True | Distributed | RadixLSD4Sort | 82027 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 10000 | True | Distributed | CountingSort | 38901 | 0 | 0
SameValues | 10000 | True | Hybrid | IntroSortMedian9 | 21358 | 27933 | 39931


By Performance

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