项目作者: akshaynagpal

项目描述 :
Coverage based fault injection
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/akshaynagpal/cbfi.git
创建时间: 2017-03-18T18:17:41Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Coverage Based Fault Injection

Code coverage is one of the most important parameters for achieving robust software testing and design, however achieving the same is almost impossible given the limitations in testing scenarios. One such scenario is simulating environment faults for the application under test. In this report we present a prototype implementation of ​Coverage Based Fault Injection (CBFI)[7], to test programs for errors caused due to faulty or malicious underlying hardware, operating system and other related components. In this approach CBFI[7] is implemented as a coverage based fuzzer with ​dynamically linked library that wraps around existing GNU libc calls and permutes fault injections to fail a set of libc calls and test the program robustness as well as susceptibility to vulnerabilities due to unhandled exceptions or crashes at runtime. Our work is inspired and extends the previous work on fault injections, specifically that presented in Vulnerability Testing of Software System Using Fault Injection[1] and Libfaultinj[2].

Compiling wrapper:
(1) cd wrapper/
(2) make clean all

Compiling test programs:
(1) cd tests/
(2) make clean all

Running a test program:
OPEN_FAIL=1,2 LD_PRELOAD=../wrapper/wraplib.so ./testprogram

Running Python Fuzzer:
(1) cd python-wrappper/
(1) Create a config file based on sample config JSON
(2) Run python python-wrapper.py configfilename
(3) Report would be generated on the same folder