项目作者: vilardellsalles

项目描述 :
Software bookmarks
项目地址: git://github.com/vilardellsalles/bookmarks.git
创建时间: 2018-02-25T16:37:44Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License



Over the years, I have been accumulating a long list of links to several
software packages as bookmarks in my browser. I regularly use many of these
bookmarks, but many others just represent a name and a link to something I have
never used. The reason to keep all these bookmarks is to have them at hand when
I may need them in the future. Having them in my browser is useful, but
sometimes I need to reach them from other devices and I thought that the
compiled list could be of interest to somebody else.

Python language and compilations

Several pages have compiled the most popular libraries. These are exhaustive,
well maintained and documented. Therefore, instead of repeating all the
references in these pages, I include the compilation page and a short
description about it.

  • Python documentation - Python reference.
  • Python Module of the Week - A tour of the Python standard library through short examples.
  • Python Pedia - Comprehensive list of references to most of the libraries I regularly use, grouped in very intuitive sections.
  • Full Stack Python - Everything you need to create, deploy and operate production Python web applications. Not restricted to Python.
  • Awesome Python - The most complete list of references, but a little bit difficult to browse due to the large number of sections.

Interesting libraries

Even I have never used these libraries, I include a brief explanation for each
library. The explanation is just a personal opinion on why this library looked
interesting to me. If you feel that the description is not accurate, or simply
wrong, feel free to issue a pull request.

  • Fabric - Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH. It depends on Paramiko, which I regularly use.
  • Celery - Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing.
  • Django-river - Workflow Library for Django.
  • Remi - A Platform independent Python GUI library for your applications
  • Ruffus - Computation pipeline library for python.