项目作者: georgekaplan59

项目描述 :
Jupyter notebooks about politics, sports...
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/georgekaplan59/notebooks.git
创建时间: 2017-11-19T17:51:52Z




Some Jupyter notebooks to analyse some issues:

  • how to estimate probabilities using Montecarlo simulations
  • how to count sets using combinatorics
  • how to know when a draw can lead to a dead end using graph theory
  • how to apply generators and recursion to avoid memory overflows
  • when and how to calculate exactly the probabilities of a draw using ideas taken from game theory
  • why is better adding logarithms than multiplying very tiny numbers
  • when is it crucial to apply the right data type to achieve the precision required by our calculation
  • how to measure the representativeness of a proportional electoral system (in Spanish)
  • how to increase the proportionality of the Spanish Electoral Law.
  • how the electoral formula changes the disproportionality indexes of a proportional electoral system.