项目作者: nosoop

项目描述 :
Implementations of Custom Weapons 3 properties as custom attributes.
高级语言: SourcePawn
项目地址: git://github.com/nosoop/SM-TFCWXBaseAttributes.git
创建时间: 2021-03-29T14:39:14Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Custom Weapons X Base Attributes

Attributes (in Custom Attributes framework format) reimplementing features that were integral to
previous iterations of Custom Weapons.

While these are originally written with Custom Weapons X in mind, there is nothing
preventing their use with other plugins.


In addition to Custom Attributes, you’ll need:


Weapon models

viewmodel_override.smx provides three different attributes: clientmodel override,
viewmodel override, and worldmodel override.

  • Overwrites the view / worldmodel on the weapon. clientmodel override takes priority and
    sets both of those.
    • This plugin does not mark resources for download. Attribute values are evaluated at
      runtime; it has no knowledge of possible values on level startup. Use something like this
      File Precacher plugin to mark your custom resources for download by other game clients.
    • Make sure you’ve set sv_pure to allow custom files. (Either set it to 0 or -1, or set it
      to 1 and modify cfg/pure_server_whitelist.txt to specify the paths to your custom assets.
      If you use a strict pure setting, do keep in mind that you cannot ensure that players haven’t
      replaced your custom models with something else on their client.)
    • Viewmodels are applied on weapon switch.
  • Attribute value is a full path to a model file (e.g. models/weapons/.../c_myweapon.mdl).

It also implements arm model override, which allows for visual replacements of the arm models.
Animations are inherited from the original arms. This is quite cursed.

For known working models, use the ones in this Workshop Weapons Pack. You will
need to do some additional work to use models intended as client-side replacements (e.g. those
from GameBanana). I can’t help you there; that’s outside the scope of this plugin.


Please do (but do file an issue first). The only reason this repository is available is because
CWX would be otherwise dead in the water if a viewmodel plugin didn’t exist.


Released under GPLv3.