CS 1.6 Pickup Game Mod
This mod automates all game, supporting advanced commands,
rounds count, management teams, maps, HLTV, statistics and more!
User commands
.status - Pug Status command
.score - Show the scores
.round - Display the current round
.ready - Player is ready to play
.notready - Player is not ready
.hp - Display the HP of enemy team
.dmg - Display the damage in done in each round
.rdmg - Display the damage recived in each round
.sum - Display the summary of round
.help - Pug Mod Help page
.eac - Show EAC Shots in game (Need EAC plugin installed)
.stats - Show in game Stats (Need stats installed)
.rank - Show in game top15 (Need stats installed)
.match - Show in game matches played (Need stats installed)
.setup - Control the setup menu for start pug
.start - Start the pug after configure it.
.votekick - Vote to Kick a selected player
Administrator commands
!pause - Pause the Pug
!unpause - Unpause the pug
!togglepause - Pause / Unpause the Pug
!pugstart - Force the PUG to start
!pugstop - Stop the Pug
!pugreset - Reset the pug settings
!votemap - Start a vote for the next map
!voteconfig - Start a vote for config type
pug_players_min “10” // Minimum of players to start a game
pug_players_max “10” // Maximum of players allowed in the teams
pug_rounds_max “30” // Rounds to play before start overtime
pug_rounds_ot “3” // Win difference to determine a winner in overtime
pug_force_ot “1” // Force Overtime (0 End game tied, 1 Force Overtime)
pug_handle_time “10.0” // Time to PUG change states
pug_allow_spec “0” // Allow Spectators in game
pug_drop_ban_time “15” // Minutes of ban players that leave from game in live
pug_vote_delay “15.0” // How long voting session goes on
pug_vote_map_enabled “1” // Active vote map in pug (0 Disable, 1 Enable, 2 Random map)
pug_teams_enforcement “0” // The teams method for assign teams (0 By vote, 1 Captains, 2 Automatic, 3 None, 4 Skill)
pug_dead_talk // Allow Dead talk when match is live
pug_team_money // Display Teammates money at round start
pug_fix_scores // Keep scoreboard after change teams
pug_cfg_pugmod “pugmod.rc” // Config executed for pugmod cvars
pug_cfg_warmup “warmup.rc” // Used at warmup session in pug mod
pug_cfg_start “start.rc” // Executed when vote session starts
pug_cfg_1st “esl.rc” // Used when the match begin (Live config)
pug_cfg_halftime “halftime.rc” // Used at half-time session
pug_cfg_2nd “esl.rc” // Used when the match begin (Live config)
pug_cfg_overtime “esl-ot.rc” // Used at Overtime session
pug_cfg_end “end.rc” // Executed when the match ends