项目作者: etfriedman

项目描述 :
Spotify preview from the linux command line
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/etfriedman/spotiline.git
创建时间: 2020-06-25T16:32:30Z



Spotiline - Spotify preview for the UNIX command line

What does it do?

Alt Text

  1. Shows current album cover (does not switch covers, that is WIP)
  2. Shows Title, Author of song.
  3. Live progress through song, song length.


  1. viu (https://github.com/atanunq/viu) (You need to have a rust env. on your computer, very easy to do)
  2. requests
  3. spotipy


  1. pip install spotipy
  2. pip install requests
  3. git clone https://github.com/etfriedman/spotiline/
  4. cd spotiline
  5. Follow tutorial below to get your credentials
  6. python main.py you-spotify-username
    7: Follow this gif when promted to enter link:
    Alt Text

Common Errors:

  • If you get an error regard NonType, make sure you are playing a song! (otherwise spotify drops your “currently playing” and you cant access it!)
  • If you are getting a creds error (export=blahlbahlblah), run the lines in the creds.txt file 1 by 1 in terminal (make sure you have replced each item to your own)
  1. if you don’t know where to get those, follow this: https://developer.spotify.com/
  2. Make a new account, and makea new app.
  3. Check your dashboard and click on that app, get the creds there.
  4. If you need more help, lookup “Make spotify app”