Pankti generates tests from production workloads
This repository contains code for the following research tools:
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Pankti transforms production workloads into test cases. The test generation pipeline consists of four phases:
If you use this code for academic research, please cite: “Production Monitoring to Improve Test Suites“, In IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2021.
title = {Production Monitoring to Improve Test Suites},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Reliability},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1109/TR.2021.3101318},
author = {Deepika Tiwari and Long Zhang and Martin Monperrus and Benoit Baudry},
pankti-extract leverages Spoon to statically analyze Java applications in order to find relevant methods for test generation.
The output is a list of methods that meet the following criteria:
To run pankti-extract,
cd /path/to/pankti/pankti-extract/
mvn clean install
java -jar target/pankti-extract-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/maven/project
) for usage, -v
) to include methods that return void/path/to/pankti/pankti-extract/
called extracted-methods-\method.json
python /path/to/method/list/from/step5.csv /space/separated/paths/to/descartes/method.json
outputs a CSV with the list of methods that are candidates for instrumentation.pankti-instrument is a Glowroot (download) plugin that serializes objects for instrumented methods that are invoked. pankti-instrument uses the Plugin API of Glowroot to instrument the methods extracted from pankti-extract.
To run pankti-instrument,
cd /path/to/pankti/pankti-instrument/
python <path/to/instrumentation/candidates/from/previous/phase>.csv
. These aspect classes are also included in ./src/main/resources/META-INF/glowroot.plugin.json
mvn clean install
to /path/to/glowroot/plugins/
Execute the application with a workload, using Glowroot as a javaagent.\java -javaagent:/path/to/glowroot/glowroot.jar -jar <project-jar>.jar <cli-args>
The serialized objects for invoked methods are saved at /tmp/pankti-object-data/
Additionally, a list of invoked methods is generated at /tmp/pankti-object-data/invoked-methods.csv
pankti-generate creates test classes for an application from the collected object profiles.\
It takes as input the path to the Java + Maven project, a CSV file with a list of invoked methods, and the path to the directory containing objects serialized as XML.
To run pankti-generate,
cd /path/to/pankti/pankti-generate/
mvn clean install
java -jar target/pankti-generate-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/project /path/to/invoked/methods.csv /path/to/directory/with/objects/
The output is in a directory at /path/to/pankti/pankti-generate/output/generated/<project-name>/
. Generated test classes are placed in appropriate package directories. The naming convention followed is Test\/path/to/pankti/pankti-generate/output/generated/object-data
Rick transforms production workloads into tests that use mocks.
In addition to some functionalities and implementation shared with pankti,
it supports the instrumentation of methods that can be mocked within a test. It also handles the generation of these mocks with data collected from production.
cd pankti/
mvn clean install
To extract methods under test (MUTs) and mockable methods:
cd pankti/pankti-extract/
java -jar target/pankti-extract-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar /path/to/maven/project
To instrument MUTs and mockable methods:
cd pankti/pankti-instrument/
python3 ../pankti-extract/extracted-methods-<project>.csv
python3 ../pankti-extract/extracted-methods-<project>.csv
mvn clean install
to /path/to/glowroot/plugins/
To execute the target project:
java -javaagent:/path/to/glowroot/glowroot.jar <project-jar-and-options>
To generate tests:
cd pankti/rick/
java -jar target/rick-<version>-jar-with-depdendencies.jar /path/to/maven/project/ /tmp/pankti-object-data/invoked-methods.csv /tmp/pankti-object-data/
) are at ./output/generated/<project>