项目作者: michaeljh619

项目描述 :
Common interview question algorithms written in python.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/michaeljh619/pygorithms.git
创建时间: 2019-01-20T19:31:16Z




Algorithms written in python. This repository contains common algorithms learned in CS classes, from sorting to searching and more.

Getting Started

Since the project is still small enough, simply clone the repository and write any code in a python file in the repo’s root directory. For example, if you wish to use the merge sort algorithm from the sorting folder, you could create a python file in the repository’s root directory:


  1. from sorting.merge_sort import MergeSort
  2. unsorted_list = [5, 3, 4, 1, 2]
  3. sorted_list = MergeSort.sort(unsorted_list)
  4. print("Unsorted: " + str(unsorted_list))
  5. print("Sorted: " + str(sorted_list))


If you wish to contribute, feel free to fork a copy and get started. However, there are a few things to do before you contribute:


This project uses many pytest modules and a git pre-commit hook to ensure bugs are caught before any commits are made. You will need to have pytest installed on your machine.


This project follows the code style guidelines in pycodestyle. You will need to have pycodestyle installed on your machine.


An executable file called validate comes in the root directory of this repo. To make sure any code changes pass pytest and pycodestyle, you can simply run this executable to check all the code for you.

Setup Git Hooks

As mentioned before, a pre-commit hook is used to validate all code passes pytest and pycodestyle before any commits are accepted. Essentially, this hook will run the validate executable for you and reject the commit if validate comes back with any error messages.

To set up this git hook, simply run the setup executable file in the root directory of this repo and it will create a file to automatically validate the code against pytest and pycodestyle before any commits are made.