项目作者: aarboleda1

项目描述 :
A chat client serving as a gateway into the ultimate experience in financial advisory
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/aarboleda1/Visor-Chat.git
创建时间: 2017-04-19T04:28:27Z




A chat client serving as a gateway into the ultimate experience in financial advisory


Note: Both need to be running in order for the app to work.

install and configure api

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/aarboleda1/Visor-Chat.git
  2. $ cd ./Visor-Chat
  3. $ cd ./chat-api
  4. $ npm install
  5. $ npm run compile compile resources into lib/app.js
  6. $ npm run dev start server

install and configure front-end client

  1. $ cd ./chat-client
  2. $ npm install
  3. $ npm start
  4. Point your browser to http://localhost:8000/webpack-dev-server/

Getting Started

  • This repository is broken down into backend and front end repository
  • Note: Both the backend and front end client need to workneed to be running in order for the app to work

AI Bot functionality

After some time researching and testing out other simple NLP platforms. I chose to use wit.ai for it’s community wide accepted practices and easy to use API. Based on what users want, and might typically ask, I would be able to program this bot to handle a wide breadth of questions and answers and also redirect messages to a company wide inbox.

  • Simple commands such as hi, hello, greeting are all picked up
  • Has a lot of potential to learn certain questions and commands, such as:
    • When are taxes due?
    • How do I obtain an 1099?

To do


  • Make chat client collapsable
  • Implement a list of different rooms. A new ‘room’ should appear every time a client logs into the application.
    • They should be able to view past conversations had with previous employees or chatbot


  • Incorporate Natural Language Processor to act as gateway into application
  • Store users conversations for data persistence in a database
  • Improve functionality of chat bot. So that when a user asks a specific question, we query a 3rd party API to get certain information

