Reed Solomon BCH encoder and decoder
Reed Solomon BCH encoder and decoder library
This RS implementation was designed for embedded purposes, so all the memory allocations performed on the stack.
If somebody wants to reimplement memory management with heap usage, pull requests are welcome
If you want only Reed-Solomon code, just clone repository.
If you want to get tests and examples also, do
git clone --recursive
There is no need in building RS library, cause all the implementation is in headers.
To build tests and examples simply run make in the folder with cloned repo and executables will emerge in the
./build folder
All the Reed-Solomon code is in folder include, you just need to include header rs.hpp
Template class ReedSolomon accepts two template arguments: message length and ecc length.
Simple example:
char message[] = "Some very important message ought to be delivered";
const int msglen = sizeof(message);
const int ecclen = 8;
char repaired[msglen];
char encoded[msglen + ecclen];
RS::ReedSolomon<msglen, ecclen> rs;
rs.Encode(message, encoded);
// Corrupting first 8 bytes of message (any 4 bytes can be repaired, no more)
for(uint i = 0; i < ecclen / 2; i++) {
encoded[i] = 'E';
rs.Decode(encoded, repaired);
std::cout << "Original: " << message << std::endl;
std::cout << "Corrupted: " << encoded << std::endl;
std::cout << "Repaired: " << repaired << std::endl;
std::cout << ((memcmp(message, repaired, msglen) == 0) ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE") << std::endl;
Huge thanks to authors of wikiversity page about Reed-Solomon BCH