项目作者: 95616ARG

项目描述 :
Reference implementations for Symbolic Abstraction algorithms.
高级语言: Python
项目地址: git://github.com/95616ARG/symbolic-abstraction.git
创建时间: 2020-03-18T20:07:21Z

开源协议:MIT License




File Layout

  • core/ holds base class definitions for abstract and concrete states as
    well as logic formulas.
  • domains/ holds definitions for particular abstract domains.
  • algorithms/ contains the algorithms acting on core/ classes
    (currently RSY and bilateral algorithms for symbolic abstraction).
  • frontend/ contains a simple two-operand language for which abstract
    transformers can be automatically derived via the symbolic abstraction
  • tests/ holds PyTest unit tests.

High-Level Organization

Each abstract domain is associated with at least three classes:

  • A subclass of ConjunctiveDomain which implements methods such as
    gamma_hat, alpha_hat, and join (essentially, it implements operations
    on abstract states and interfaces with the SMT solver).
  • A subclass of AbstractState which represents a single abstract state in the
    corresponding domain. Note that this contains the entire program state, so
    often a separate “individual variable state” class will be written as well
    (for example, IntervalAbstractState is made up of Intervals, one for each
  • A subclass of ConcreteState, which represents (usually) a concrete set of
    variable assignments.

Currently, all of our abstract domains inheret from Z3VariablesDomain which
implements the ConcreteState and handles calls to the SMT solver when the
underlying concrete semantics and variable types can be described in Z3.

Note that this has been extracted from a larger system with more complex
domains. We have attempted to pare it down to a minimal expository subset, but
if you catch anything that seems unnecessary or could be significantly
simplified please open an issue and we can remove it!

Running Tests

A docker container is provided to run tests, which can be executed by the
following make rule:

  1. make docker-test

Alternatively, if you have an up-to-date version of Python 3 installed you can

  1. pip3 install --user pytest z3-solver
  2. python3 -m pytest tests


Test Cases

The test cases in tests/ demonstrate usage of most of the individual

Entire Example Program

An example program is available in example_program.py which demonstrates how
Symbolic Abstraction can be used to automatically compute an abstract
transformer for a straight-line program.

Reduced Product

The test case in tests/test_reduced_product_domain/test_reduce.py shows how
Symbolic Abstraction can be used to automatically compute the reduced product
of two abstract domains.



Code written by Matthew Sotoudeh (contact
masotoudeh@ucdavis.edu), advised and reviewed
by Professor Aditya Thakur (contact
avthakur@ucdavis.edu). For more information,
please see the Davis Automated Reasoning Group.

Papers, Citation

The algorithms used here are adapted from:

  1. Thakur, A. V. (2014, August). Symbolic Abstraction: Algorithms and Applications
  2. (Ph.D. dissertation). Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin,
  3. Madison.

The dissertation is available

To cite the dissertation, please use the following bibtex:

  1. @phdthesis{thakur_PHD14,
  2. author = {Thakur, Aditya V.},
  3. title = {Symbolic Abstraction: Algorithms and Applications},
  4. school = {Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison},
  5. type = {Ph.D. dissertation},
  6. month = aug,
  7. year = {2014}
  8. }