A simple license asset management tool.
A simple license asset management tool.
Supports license encryption.
Supports license expiration SMTP notifications.
Supports license expiration logs.
Supports license expiration monitoring service.
Supports Sqlite3 and Postgres.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python generate_key.py
python raisensu.py -t
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c Parse through import.csv file
-d Delete Asset
--delete_all Delete all records in table
-t Create a New Table if it has not been created already
-v View all entries
-u Update an entry
-o Select a specific asset(s) to return
-n NAME Name of the License Product
-a HOSTNAME Name of the hostname the license is attached to
-l LICENSE License data
-q QUANTITY Total Number of licenses
-x EXPIRE License expiration date [requires .csv file]
-e EXPORT Export SQL Database to CSV file
-s ENVIRONMENT Environment the license resides in
-r DESCRIPTION Description of the license
python raisensu.py -h
python raisensu.py -n 'Product Name' -l 'xopi08infsdfpoi3409c' -q 10 -x 12/31/2021
is optional to add a host)python raisensu.py -n 'Product Name' -l 'xopi08infsdfpoi3409c' -q 1 -x 12/31/2021 -a Host01 -s 'Dev' -r 'License for Host01 in Dev'
python raisensu.py -c
python raisensu.py -u
- follow the stepspython raisensu.py -v
python raisensu.py -e [location]
file with the appropriate configuration information that fits your environmentgenerate_key.py
, issue the following command: dd if=/dev/urandom bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null | openssl base64 > secret.key
pip3 install libpq-dev psycopg2-binary psycopg2
isn’t installing via the requirements.txt
file. Do a pip3 install pandas
to install Pandas.