Explore and filter structural variant calls from Lumpy and Delly VCF files
Filter, genotype, annotate and combine VCF files from structural variant callers LUMPY, DELLY and novobreak.
Run without options or with --help
or -h
to print usage statement.
This tool is under constant development. Please feel free to contact me, or raise an issue if you encounter any problems.
git clone https://github.com/nriddiford/svParser.git
Install cpanm for easy installation of requirements:
wget -O- http://cpanmin.us | perl - -l ~/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib
To avoid issues with root access, I recommended using a local Perl library, which can be setup as follows (following this):
eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`
Add the following lines to your bash_profile
eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`
export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH
Once you have cpanm installed, then installing the dependencies should be as simple as:
cd svParser
bash install_deps.sh
A good place to start is with a summary of variants called in VCF file:
perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf
It’s reccomended to explicity tag files on the caller that has produced them using the --method
flag:perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l
The defualt behaviour of svParser is to consider all variants present in a VCF file, and classify these according to genotype. Genotype will be assigned as follows:
Genotypes can also be filtered in using the genotype filters outlined in the filter section
The real power of svParser comes from its ability to easily filter variant calls on anumber of different criteria, and quickly assess how this affects your callset.
It is highly recommended to play around with differnt combinations of filters that suit your needs. Filter flags can be used with any of the other options aid in fine tuning
su - number of tumour reads supporting variant. Expects integer e.g. `-f su=5`
dp - minimum depth for both tumour normal at variant site. Expects integer e.g. `-f dp=10`
rdr - supporting reads/tumour depth - a value of 1 would mean all reads support variant. Expects integer/float e.g. `-f rdr=0.2`
sq - phred-scaled variant likelihood. Expects integer e.g. `-f sq=10`
chr - filter out chromosomes not in `chroms.txt` (if not provided, defaults to chromosomes 2L 2R 3L 3R 4 X Y). Expects binary e.g. `-f chr=1`
st - only keep somatic TUMOUR variants. Expects binary e.g. `-f st=1`
sn - only keep somatic NORMAL variants. Expects binary e.g. `-f sn=1`
gp - only keep germline PRIVATE variants. Expects binary e.g. `-f gp=1`
gr - only keep germline RECURRENT variants. Expects binary e.g. `-f gr=1`
a - apply default combination of filters. Equivalent to:
perl script/svParse.pl \
-v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf \
-f su=4 \ # min 4 reads supporting event in tumour
-f dp=10 \ # min read depth of 10 in both tumour/normal
-f rdr=0.1 \ # min 10% of reads at breakpoint supporting variant
-f sq=10 \ # min Log10 likelihood of 10
-f chr=1 # filter out calls on chromosomes not in 'chroms.txt'
-e [path/to/exclude.bed]
Filters can be used in combination with other features of svParser to experiment with filters that remove obvious false positives while retaining true positives. E.g:
-f su=4
)perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -f su=4
perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -f su=4 -f chr=1
If you have a set of true positive calls that you want to protect from filtering, you can provide a set of sample-specfic true positives:
sample caller type chrom1 bp1 chrom2 bp2
R7 lumpy DEL X 456393 X 4588700
perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -f su=4 -f chr=1 -t tests/
This allows you to see how adjusting filters affects your true positives.
Sometimes it’s useful to see the information behind a specific variant call. svParser makes it easy to dig out a variant using it’s id
(taken from the VCF column ID
If the variant is affected by supplied filters this will be reported in the summary
flag:perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -i 1
Browse variants using the --dump
flag. This cycles through each line of the VCF file, printing an easy-to-read breakdown for each variant.
Press any key to move to the next variant, or q
to quit
perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -d
-c X -f su=5
):perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -f su=5 -d -c X
-c X:3000000-3500000
):perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -d -c X:3000000-3500000
-f dp=20
) filter within a specific window on X chromosome:perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -m l -f dp=20 -d -c X:3000000-3500000
Write a new VCF file (filtered/input.filtered.vcf
) and a summary txt file containing useful info (filtered/summary/input.filtered.summary.txt
) all variants that passed all defualt filters (-f a
):perl script/svParse.pl -v data/Droso_R7.lumpy.vcf -f a -p
Another useful feature of svParser is its ability to combine calls made by multiple callers into a unified call set per sample
for file in data/lumpy/*.vcf
perl script/svParse.pl -v $file -f a -m l -p
for file in data/delly/*.vcf
perl script/svParse.pl -v $file -f a -m d -p
for file in data/novobreak/*.vcf
perl script/svParse.pl -v $file -f a -m n -p
cd filtered
perl ../script/merge_vcf.pl
cd filtered/summary
perl ../../script/svMerger.pl -f input1.*
for f in *_merged_SVs.txt
perl ../../script/svClusters.pl $f -d 50
rm $f
for clustered_file in *clustered_SVs.txt
perl ../../script/sv2gene.pl -f $features -i $clustered_file
rm $clustered_file
The recommended next step from here is to inspect calls that remain. Any obvious false positives can be marked as false positives by entering F
in the T/F
column for each _annotated.txt
These can then be removed by using:
for annofile in *_annotated_SVs.txt
python ../../script/clean.py -f $annofile
See svBreaks for plotting functions. This takes as input the annotated SV calls per sample