项目作者: seulibrary

项目描述 :
Primo search target extension for Sorin.
高级语言: Elixir
项目地址: git://github.com/seulibrary/Sorin-Primo.git
创建时间: 2019-05-08T19:33:54Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0



Sorin Primo is a Sorin extension that provides the ExLibris Primo Brief Search API as a catalog search endpoint.

Sorin catalog search extensions are responsible for two services:

  • Receiving search requests from Sorin’s Search module, rebuilding them as appropriate for the given catalog’s API, and issuing them to the catalog;
  • Receiving the catalog’s results, parsing them into Elixir maps based on Sorin’s Resource schema, and returning them to the Search module, which returns them to the client.

Sorin Primo encodes all of this functionality in lib/sorin_primo.ex.


  1. Add the following to Sorin’s root-level mix.exs:
  1. def deps do
  2. [
  3. ...,
  4. {:sorin_primo, git: "https://github.com/seulibrary/Sorin-Primo.git"},
  5. ]
  6. end
  1. From the root of the application:
  1. $ mix deps.get && mix deps.compile
  1. Edit the search stanza in sorin.exs to point it at SorinPrimo:
  1. config :search,
  2. search_target: SorinPrimo
  1. Add the following stanza to sorin.exs, updating keys as necessary:
  1. config :sorin_primo,
  2. api_gateway_url: "https://api-na.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo",
  3. api_key: "[Your key]",
  4. inst: "[Your institution code]",
  5. vid: "[The View ID you want to search]",
  6. tab: "[The tab you want to search]",
  7. scope: "[The scope you want to search]",
  8. catalog_url_root: "[Root of URL at which rscs should be viewed on Primo]",
  9. lang: "en_US", # Or whatever you need it to be
  10. newspapers_search: false # Or true, if you prefer


  • If you have other catalog extensions installed, it is not necessary to remove their configuration stanzas from sorin.exs.
  • If you are using the Sorin Search Filter extension, it will be necessary to update it to accommodate Primo’s API. See the README file for Sorin Search Filter for instructions.
  • This extension is currently designed for the Primo hosted service, but would probably be straightforward to implement for on-premises.
  • If you do not already have one, you will need to get ExLibris API keys.


As recommended by and for the rest of the Elixir community, we tag production-ready releases with Semantic Versioning. To see the list of versioned releases, please see the tags on this repository.

Questions, Feedback, and How to Get Involved

We welcome questions, ideas, feedback, comments, and bug reports via the Sorin issue tracker. To contribute bug fixes, improvements to documentation, or new features, pull requests are gratefully encouraged. We would also be delighted to work with you on the development of new extensions, especially for new search targets. For more information please see CONTRIBUTING.md. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 — see LICENSE for details.