The applications send and receive messages using JMS system and simulates the behavior of loan-broker enterprise applications.
The system consists of several java desktop applications. The applications send and receive messages using JMS system and simulates the behaviour of loan-broker enterprise applications.
1) LoanClient sends loan request(s) to the LoanBroker app.
2) When the LoanBroker receives a new loan request, it creates a BankInterestRequest and sends it to a bank.
3) When bank receives a new BankInterestRequest, it:
a. shows it on the screen and waits for the user to enter an interest rate for this BankInterestRequest;
b. when the user of bank enters an interest rate for one of the received BankInterestRequests,
bank creates a new BankInterestReply and sends it back to the LoanBroker.
4) When loan-broker receives a new BankInterestReply, it creates a new LoanReply and sends it back to loan-client.
Figure 1. Loan Broker System
The system also uses several external web services. Credit agency web service is used by LoanBroker application in order to get credit history of the current client and sends this information along with the client’s credit request to sevaral banks. Archive web service stores all approved credit requests in a MS Access file.
Figure 2. Loan Broker System with external services
Loan Broker aggregates banks replies and stores them in a collection. Once all replies were collected, the systems selects the best bank offer and redirects it to back to the recipient.
Figure 3. Message Aggregator