It's an M.Tech dissertation report for SVNIT (NIT Surat) in LaTex format. Available on "Overleaf".
It’s an M.Tech dissertation report for SVNIT (NIT Surat) in LaTex format.
The easiest way to use this template is from Overleaf.
Open below link and press “Open as Template” button.
If you want to use this report form your local machine then follow below steps:
Step 1: Download and Install:
1) Miktex -
2) Texstudio editor -
Step 2: Compile and Run
Goto Options -> Configure TexStudio -> Build
Set Default compiler: XeLatex
Set Default Bibliography Tool: BibTex
Thanks to Milind Padalkar (@mgpadalkar) for making report format for PhD students . . . I have modified Milind Padlkar’s report format for SVNIT M.Tech students.
For any queries, create issue . . .
Enjoy . . . :) :)