项目作者: sabey

项目描述 :
Process and Service Management
高级语言: Go
项目地址: git://github.com/sabey/patrol.git
创建时间: 2018-03-25T06:19:31Z




Process and Service Management

Patrol GUI

Building Patrol

  1. go get -t -u sabey.co/patrol
  2. cd ~/go/src/sabey.co/patrol/patrol
  3. go build -a -v
  4. ./patrol
  5. # HTML GUI: http://localhost:8421

Installing Patrol - systemd


Patrol config.json

  1. {
  2. "apps": {
  3. "testapp": {
  4. "keepalive": 1,
  5. "name": "Test App",
  6. "binary": "testapp",
  7. "working-directory": "~/go/src/sabey.co/patrol/unittest/testapp/",
  8. "log-directory": "logs",
  9. "pid-path": "app.pid",
  10. "pid-verify": false,
  11. "disabled": false,
  12. "keyvalue-clear": true,
  13. "secret": "",
  14. "execute-timeout": 0,
  15. "args": [
  16. "-config",
  17. "\"config.json\""
  18. ],
  19. "env": [
  20. "a=b",
  21. "c=d"
  22. ],
  23. "env-parent": false,
  24. "std-merge": true
  25. }
  26. },
  27. "services": {
  28. "ssh": {
  29. "management": 1,
  30. "name": "SSH",
  31. "service": "ssh",
  32. "ignore-exit-codes": [
  33. 127
  34. ],
  35. "disabled": false,
  36. "keyvalue-clear": true,
  37. "secret": ""
  38. }
  39. }
  40. }

Patrol App Environment Variables

  1. PATROL_ID=testapp
  3. PATROL_PID=/path/to/app.pid
  4. PATROL_HTTP=[""]
  5. PATROL_UDP=[""]

Unit Tests

  1. cd ~/go/src/sabey.co/patrol/unittest/testapp
  2. go build -a -v
  3. cd ~/go/src/sabey.co/patrol/unittest/testserver
  4. go build -a -v
  5. cd ~/go/src/sabey.co/patrol/
  6. clear && go vet && go test -race


HTTP API Endpoint

  1. GET /status/
  2. # returns API_Status Object
  3. GET /api/?group=(app||service)&id=testapp&toggle=STATE&history=true&secret=SECRET&cas=CAS
  4. # returns API_Response Object
  5. POST /api/
  6. # requires API_Request Object
  7. # returns API_Response Object

UDP API Endpoint

  2. # requires API_Request Object
  3. # returns API_Response Object to the dialing IP address if no error occurred

Example API_Request

  1. {
  2. "id": "http",
  3. "group": "app",
  4. "ping": true,
  5. "pid": 10732
  6. }

Example API_Response

  1. {
  2. "id": "http",
  3. "instance-id": "fd1b743c-752d-4034-a502-2bdddb7e262f",
  4. "group": "app",
  5. "name": "testapp",
  6. "pid": 10732,
  7. "started": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 18:43:44 -0700",
  8. "lastseen": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 18:43:47 -0700",
  9. "cas": 57684
  10. }

Example API_Status

  1. {
  2. "instance-id": "5127ce9b-61e3-4818-a0fd-f1bebafb2fac",
  3. "apps": {
  4. "fake-secret": {
  5. "name": "Fake Secret App",
  6. "disabled": true,
  7. "secret": true,
  8. "cas": 40875
  9. },
  10. "testapp": {
  11. "instance-id": "08b63d19-7569-4b2d-9ad1-87c780ea2f83",
  12. "name": "Test App",
  13. "pid": 26200,
  14. "started": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:20:14 -0700",
  15. "lastseen": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:20:48 -0700",
  16. "cas": 75662
  17. }
  18. },
  19. "service": {
  20. "ssh": {
  21. "instance-id": "29a6b077-6af3-4865-b443-4676b242588d",
  22. "name": "SSH",
  23. "started": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:20:14 -0700",
  24. "lastseen": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:20:44 -0700",
  25. "cas": 75180
  26. }
  27. },
  28. "started": "Wed, 18 Jul 2018 16:20:14 -0700"
  29. }

type Config struct {

  1. // Apps/Services must contain a unique non empty key: ( 0-9 A-Z a-z - )
  2. // ID MUST be usable as a valid hostname label, ie: len <= 63 AND no starting/ending -
  3. // Keys are NOT our binary name
  4. // Keys are only used as unique identifiers for our API and Keep Alive
  5. Apps map[string]*ConfigApp `json:"apps,omitempty"`
  6. Services map[string]*ConfigService `json:"services,omitempty"`
  7. // TickEvery is an integer value in seconds of how often we will check the state of our Apps and Services
  8. // Value of 0 Defaults to 15 seconds
  9. TickEvery int `json:"tick-every,omitempty"`
  10. // History is the maximum amount of instance history we should hold
  11. // Value of 0 Defaults to 100
  12. History int `json:"history,omitempty"`
  13. // Timestamp Layout is used by the JSON API and HTTP GUI templates
  14. //
  15. // Timestamp Layout can be found here:
  16. // https://golang.org/pkg/time/#pkg-constants
  17. // https://golang.org/pkg/time/#example_Time_Format
  18. //
  19. // The recommended value is RFC1123Z: "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700"
  20. //
  21. // An empty value will default to time.String()
  22. // https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.String
  23. // This default is: "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST"
  24. // This default will also include our monotonic clock as a suffix: "m=±<value>"
  25. Timestamp string `json:"json-timestamp,omitempty"`
  26. // PingTimeout is an integer value in seconds of how often we require a Ping to be sent
  27. // This only applies to App KeepAlives: APP_KEEPALIVE_HTTP and APP_KEEPALIVE_UDP
  28. PingTimeout int `json:"ping-timeout,omitempty"`
  29. // ListenHTTP/ListenUDP is our list of listeners
  30. // These values are passed as Environment Variables to our executed Apps as JSON Arrays
  31. //
  32. // Example Environment Variables:
  33. // PATROL_HTTP=[""]
  34. // PATROL_UDP=[""]
  35. //
  36. // When using APP_KEEPALIVE_HTTP and APP_KEEPALIVE_UDP, these are the addresses we MUST ping
  37. ListenHTTP []string `json:"listen-http,omitempty"`
  38. ListenUDP []string `json:"listen-udp,omitempty"`
  39. // HTTP/UDP currently only support the attribute `listen`
  40. // This will allow us to overwrite our default listeners for HTTP and UDP
  41. // In the future this will include additional options.
  42. HTTP *ConfigHTTP `json:"http,omitempty"`
  43. UDP *ConfigUDP `json:"udp,omitempty"`
  44. // Triggers are only available when you extend Patrol as a library
  45. // These values will NOT be able to be set from `config.json` - They must be set manually
  46. // TriggerStart is called on CreatePatrol
  47. // This will only be called ONCE
  48. // If an error is returned a Patrol object will NOT be returned!
  49. TriggerStart func(
  50. patrol *Patrol,
  51. ) error `json:"-"`
  52. // TriggerShutdown is called when we call Patrol.Shutdown()
  53. // This will only be called ONCE
  54. // Once Patrol.Shutdown() is called our Patrol object will no longer be usable
  55. TriggerShutdown func(
  56. patrol *Patrol,
  57. ) `json:"-"`
  58. // TriggerStarted is called every time we call Patrol.Start()
  59. TriggerStarted func(
  60. patrol *Patrol,
  61. ) `json:"-"`
  62. // TriggerTick is called every time we Patrol.tick() and BEFORE we check our App and Service States
  63. TriggerTick func(
  64. patrol *Patrol,
  65. ) `json:"-"`
  66. // TriggerStopped is called every time we call Patrol.Stop()
  67. TriggerStopped func(
  68. patrol *Patrol,
  69. ) `json:"-"`
  70. // Extra Unstructured Data
  71. X json.RawMessage `json:"x,omitempty"`

type ConfigApp struct {

  1. // KeepAlive Method
  2. //
  7. //
  8. // PID_PATROL: Patrol will watch the execution of the Application. Apps will not be able to fork.
  9. // PID_APP: The Application is required to write its CURRENT PID to our `pid-path`. Patrol will `kill -0 PID` to verify that the App is running. This option should be used for forking processes.
  10. // HTTP: The Application must send a Ping request to our HTTP API.
  11. // UDP: The Application must send a Ping request to our UDP API.
  12. KeepAlive int `json:"keepalive,omitempty"`
  13. // Name is used as our Display Name in our HTTP GUI.
  14. // Name can contain any characters but must be less than 255 bytes in length.
  15. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  16. // Binary is the relative path to the executable
  17. Binary string `json:"binary,omitempty"`
  18. // Working Directory is the ABSOLUTE Path to our Application Directory.
  19. // Binary, LogDirectory, and PidPath are RELATIVE to this Path!
  20. //
  21. // The only time WorkingDirectory is allowed to be relative is if we're prefixed with ~/
  22. // If prefixed with ~/, we will then replace it with our current users home directory.
  23. WorkingDirectory string `json:"working-directory,omitempty"`
  24. // Log Directory is the relative path to our log directory.
  25. // STDErr and STDOut Logs are held in a `YEAR/MONTH/DAY` sub folder.
  26. LogDirectory string `json:"log-directory,omitempty"`
  27. // Path is the relative path to our PID file.
  28. // PID is optional, it is only required when using the KeepAlive method: APP_KEEPALIVE_PID_APP
  29. // Our PID file must ONLY contain the integer of our current PID
  30. PIDPath string `json:"pid-path,omitempty"`
  31. // PIDVerify - Should we verify that our PID belongs to Binary?
  32. // PIDVerify is optional, it is only supported when using the KeepAlive method: APP_KEEPALIVE_PID_APP
  33. // This currently is NOT supported.
  34. // By default when we execute an App - `ps aux` will report our FULL PATH and BINARY as our first Arg.
  35. // If our process should fork, we're unsure of how this will change. We may have to compare that PID contains at the very least Binary in the first Arg.
  36. PIDVerify bool `json:"pid-verify,omitempty"`
  37. // If Disabled is true our App won't be executed until enabled.
  38. // The only way to enable an App once Patrol is started is to use the API or restart Patrol
  39. // If we are Disabled and we discover an App that is running, we will signal it to stop.
  40. Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
  41. // KeyValue - prexisting values to populate objects with on init
  42. KeyValue map[string]interface{} `json:"keyvalue,omitempty"`
  43. // KeyValueClear if true will cause our App KeyValue to be cleared once a new instance of our App is started.
  44. KeyValueClear bool `json:"keyvalue-clear,omitempty"`
  45. // If Secret is set, we will require a secret to be passed when pinging and modifying the state of our App from our HTTP and UDP API.
  46. // We are not going to throttle comparing our secret. Choose a secret with enough bits of uniqueness and don't make your Patrol instance public!
  47. // If you are worried about your secret being public, use TLS and HTTP, DO NOT USE UDP!!!
  48. Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"`
  49. ////////////
  50. // os.Cmd //
  51. ////////////
  52. // ExecuteTimeout is an optional value in seconds of how long we will run our App for.
  53. // A Value of 0 will disable this.
  54. ExecuteTimeout int `json:"execute-timeout,omitempty"`
  55. // Args holds command line arguments, including the command as Args[0].
  56. // If the Args field is empty or nil, Run uses {Path}.
  57. //
  58. // In typical use, both Path and Args are set by calling Command.
  59. Args []string `json:"args,omitempty"`
  60. // os.Cmd.Env specifies the environment of the process.
  61. // Each entry is of the form "key=value".
  62. // If os.Cmd.Env is nil, the new process uses the current process's environment.
  63. // If os.Cmd.Env contains duplicate environment keys, only the last value in the slice for each duplicate key is used.
  64. //
  65. // We're going to include our own Patrol related environment variables, so EnvParent is required if we wish to include parent values.
  66. Env []string `json:"env,omitempty"`
  67. // If EnvParent is true, we will prepend all of our Patrol environment variables to the execution of our process.
  68. EnvParent bool `json:"env-parent,omitempty"`
  69. // These options are only available when you extend Patrol as a library
  70. // These values will NOT be able to be set from `config.json` - They must be set manually
  71. // ExtraArgs is an optional set of values that will be appended to Args.
  72. ExtraArgs func(
  73. id string,
  74. ) []string `json:"-"`
  75. // ExtraEnv is an optional set of values that will be appended to Env.
  76. ExtraEnv func(
  77. id string,
  78. ) []string `json:"-"`
  79. // Stdin specifies the process's standard input.
  80. //
  81. // If Stdin is nil, the process reads from the null device (os.DevNull).
  82. //
  83. // If Stdin is an *os.File, the process's standard input is connected
  84. // directly to that file.
  85. //
  86. // Otherwise, during the execution of the command a separate
  87. // goroutine reads from Stdin and delivers that data to the command
  88. // over a pipe. In this case, Wait does not complete until the goroutine
  89. // stops copying, either because it has reached the end of Stdin
  90. // (EOF or a read error) or because writing to the pipe returned an error.
  91. Stdin io.Reader `json:"-"`
  92. // Stdout and Stderr specify the process's standard output and error.
  93. //
  94. // If either is nil, Run connects the corresponding file descriptor
  95. // to the null device (os.DevNull).
  96. //
  97. // If either is an *os.File, the corresponding output from the process
  98. // is connected directly to that file.
  99. //
  100. // Otherwise, during the execution of the command a separate goroutine
  101. // reads from the process over a pipe and delivers that data to the
  102. // corresponding Writer. In this case, Wait does not complete until the
  103. // goroutine reaches EOF or encounters an error.
  104. //
  105. // If Stdout and Stderr are the same writer, and have a type that can
  106. // be compared with ==, at most one goroutine at a time will call Write.
  107. //
  108. // If this value is nil, Patrol will create its own file located in our Log Directory.
  109. // If this value is nil, this file will also be able to be read from the HTTP GUI.
  110. Stdout io.Writer `json:"-"`
  111. Stderr io.Writer `json:"-"`
  112. // Merge Stdout and Stderr into a single file?
  113. StdMerge bool `json:"std-merge,omitempty"`
  114. // ExtraFiles specifies additional open files to be inherited by the
  115. // new process. It does not include standard input, standard output, or
  116. // standard error. If non-nil, entry i becomes file descriptor 3+i.
  117. ExtraFiles func(
  118. id string,
  119. ) []*os.File `json:"-"`
  120. // TriggerStart is called from tick in runApps() before we attempt to execute an App.
  121. TriggerStart func(
  122. app *App,
  123. ) `json:"-"`
  124. // TriggerStarted is called from tick in runApps() and isAppRunning()
  125. // This is called after we either execute a new App or we discover a newly running App.
  126. TriggerStarted func(
  127. app *App,
  128. ) `json:"-"`
  129. // TriggerStartedPinged is called from App.apiRequest() when we discover a newly running App from a Ping request.
  130. TriggerStartedPinged func(
  131. app *App,
  132. ) `json:"-"`
  133. // TriggerStartFailed is called from tick in runApps() when we fail to execute a new App.
  134. TriggerStartFailed func(
  135. app *App,
  136. ) `json:"-"`
  137. // TriggerRunning is called from tick() when we discover an App is running.
  138. TriggerRunning func(
  139. app *App,
  140. ) `json:"-"`
  141. // TriggerDisabled is called from tick() when we discover an App that is disabled.
  142. TriggerDisabled func(
  143. app *App,
  144. ) `json:"-"`
  145. // TriggerClosed is called from App.close() when we discover a previous instance of an App is closed.
  146. TriggerClosed func(
  147. app *App,
  148. history *History,
  149. ) `json:"-"`
  150. // TriggerPinged is from App.apiRequest() when we discover an App is running from a Ping request.
  151. TriggerPinged func(
  152. app *App,
  153. ) `json:"-"`
  154. // TriggerShutdown is called when we call Patrol.Shutdown()
  155. // This will only be called ONCE
  156. // This is called regardless if our App is running or disabled!
  157. TriggerShutdown func(
  158. app *App,
  159. ) `json:"-"`
  160. // Extra Unstructured Data
  161. X json.RawMessage `json:"x,omitempty"`

type ConfigService struct {

  1. // Management Method
  2. //
  5. //
  6. // SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE: Patrol will use the command `service *`
  7. // SERVICE_MANAGEMENT_INITD: Patrol will use the command `/etc/init.d/*`
  8. //
  9. // If Management is set it will ignore all of the Management Start/Status/Stop/Restart values
  10. // If Management is 0, Start/Status/Stop/Restart must each be individually set!
  11. // If for whatever reason is necessary, we could choose to user `service` for `status` and `/etc/init.d/` for start or stop!
  12. Management int `json:"management,omitempty"`
  13. ManagementStart int `json:"management-start,omitempty"`
  14. ManagementStatus int `json:"management-status,omitempty"`
  15. ManagementStop int `json:"management-stop,omitempty"`
  16. ManagementRestart int `json:"management-restart,omitempty"`
  17. // Optionally we may override our service parameters.
  18. // For example, instead of `restart` we may choose to use `force-reload`
  19. ManagementStartParameter string `json:"management-start-parameter,omitempty"`
  20. ManagementStatusParameter string `json:"management-status-parameter,omitempty"`
  21. ManagementStopParameter string `json:"management-stop-parameter,omitempty"`
  22. ManagementRestartParameter string `json:"management-restart-parameter,omitempty"`
  23. // Name is used as our Display Name in our HTTP GUI.
  24. // Name can contain any characters but must be less than 255 bytes in length.
  25. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  26. // Service is the parameter of our service.
  27. // This is the equivalent of Binary
  28. Service string `json:"service,omitempty"`
  29. // These are a list of valid exit codes to ignore when returned from Start/Status/Stop/Restart
  30. // By Default 0 is always ignored, it is assumed to mean that the command was successful!
  31. IgnoreExitCodesStart []uint8 `json:"ignore-exit-codes-start,omitempty"`
  32. IgnoreExitCodesStatus []uint8 `json:"ignore-exit-codes-status,omitempty"`
  33. IgnoreExitCodesStop []uint8 `json:"ignore-exit-codes-stop,omitempty"`
  34. IgnoreExitCodesRestart []uint8 `json:"ignore-exit-codes-restart,omitempty"`
  35. // If Disabled is true our Service won't be executed until enabled.
  36. // The only way to enable an Service once Patrol is started is to use the API or restart Patrol
  37. // If we are Disabled and we discover an Service that is running, we will signal it to stop.
  38. Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
  39. // KeyValue - prexisting values to populate objects with on init
  40. KeyValue map[string]interface{} `json:"keyvalue,omitempty"`
  41. // KeyValueClear if true will cause our Service KeyValue to be cleared once a new instance of our Service is started.
  42. KeyValueClear bool `json:"keyvalue-clear,omitempty"`
  43. // If Secret is set, we will require a secret to be passed when pinging and modifying the state of our Service from our HTTP and UDP API.
  44. // We are not going to throttle comparing our secret. Choose a secret with enough bits of uniqueness and don't make your Patrol instance public!
  45. // If you are worried about your secret being public, use TLS and HTTP, DO NOT USE UDP!!!
  46. Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"`
  47. // Triggers are only available when you extend Patrol as a library
  48. // These values will NOT be able to be set from `config.json` - They must be set manually
  49. // TriggerStart is called from tick in runServices() before we attempt to execute an Service.
  50. TriggerStart func(
  51. service *Service,
  52. ) `json:"-"`
  53. // TriggerStarted is called from tick in runServices() and isServiceRunning()
  54. // This is called after we either execute a new Service or we discover a newly running Service.
  55. TriggerStarted func(
  56. service *Service,
  57. ) `json:"-"`
  58. // TriggerStartFailed is called from tick in runServices() when we fail to execute a new Service.
  59. TriggerStartFailed func(
  60. service *Service,
  61. ) `json:"-"`
  62. // TriggerRunning is called from tick() when we discover an Service is running.
  63. TriggerRunning func(
  64. service *Service,
  65. ) `json:"-"`
  66. // TriggerDisabled is called from tick() when we discover an Service that is disabled.
  67. TriggerDisabled func(
  68. service *Service,
  69. ) `json:"-"`
  70. // TriggerPinged is from Service.apiRequest() when we discover an Service is running from a Ping request.
  71. TriggerClosed func(
  72. service *Service,
  73. history *History,
  74. ) `json:"-"`
  75. // TriggerShutdown is called when we call Patrol.Shutdown()
  76. // This will only be called ONCE
  77. // This is called regardless if our Service is running or disabled!
  78. TriggerShutdown func(
  79. service *Service,
  80. ) `json:"-"`
  81. // Extra Unstructured Data
  82. X json.RawMessage `json:"x,omitempty"`

type API_Status struct {

  1. // Instance ID - UUIDv4
  2. InstanceID string `json:"instance-id,omitempty"`
  3. Apps map[string]*API_Response `json:"apps,omitempty"`
  4. Services map[string]*API_Response `json:"service,omitempty"`
  5. // Timestamp Patrol started at
  6. Started string `json:"started,omitempty"`
  7. // Is Patrol in a Shutdown state?
  8. Shutdown bool `json:"shutdown,omitempty"`

type API_Request struct {

  1. // Requests by Default are STATELESS - If no values are set then nothing is modified!
  2. // The reason we're stateless by default is so that our UDP endpoint can make requests as if it were a HTTP GET Request
  3. // UDP has the downside that if an error occurs a response will not be sent in return
  4. // Unique Identifier
  5. ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  6. // Group: `app` or `service`
  7. Group string `json:"group,omitempty"`
  8. // Ping?
  9. // Only supported by either APP_KEEPALIVE_HTTP or APP_KEEPALIVE_UDP
  10. // If APP_KEEPALIVE_HTTP is used, the HTTP endpoint MUST be used
  11. // If APP_KEEPALIVE_UDP is used, the UDP endpoint MUST be used
  12. Ping bool `json:"ping,omitempty"`
  13. // App Process ID
  14. // Ping MUST be true if we wish to send a PID
  15. PID uint32 `json:"pid,omitempty"`
  16. // Toggle State
  17. //
  25. //
  26. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_ENABLE: Enable App or Service
  27. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_DISABLE: Disable App or Service
  28. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_RESTART: Restart App or Service, Enable App or Service if Disabled
  29. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_RUNONCE_ENABLE: Enable RunOnce for App or Service
  30. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_RUNONCE_DISABLE: Disable RunOnce for App or Service
  31. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_ENABLE_RUNONCE_ENABLE: Enable App or Service and Enable RunOnce
  32. // API_TOGGLE_STATE_ENABLE_RUNONCE_DISABLE: Enable App or Service and Disable RunOnce
  33. Toggle uint8 `json:"toggle,omitempty"`
  34. // Return History?
  35. History bool `json:"history,omitempty"`
  36. // KeyValue
  37. KeyValue map[string]interface{} `json:"keyvalue,omitempty"`
  38. // If KeyValueReplace is true, previous KeyValue will be replaced with KeyValue
  39. KeyValueReplace bool `json:"keyvalue-replace,omitempty"`
  40. // Secret is required to access the /api GET and POST endpoints
  41. Secret string `json:"secret,omitempty"`
  43. // if CAS is NOT set: we will ignore it and we will override all of our values and state!!!
  44. // if CAS IS SET: we will only override values if our CAS is correct!
  45. // HOWEVER, we will ALWAYS update our PING/LastSeen value REGARDLESS OF CAS!!!
  46. // updating `Ping, LastSeen, or PID` will cause our CAS to be incremented!!!
  47. CAS uint64 `json:"cas,omitempty"`

type API_Response struct {

  1. // An API Response references our STATE at the time of Request
  2. // If any values change or CAS is incremented, they will STILL reference the premodification state!
  3. //
  4. // When using UDP, we won't be able to respond with all of our data, we're going to have to limit our response size
  5. // We're going to limit our response to: `id, group, pid, started, lastseen, disabled, restart, run-once, shutdown`
  6. // We'll have to ignore `history, keyvalue, and errors`, if they're needed the HTTP endpoint should be used instead
  7. // Unique Identifier
  8. ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
  9. // Instance ID - UUIDv4 - Only exists IF we're running!
  10. InstanceID string `json:"instance-id,omitempty"`
  11. // Group: `app` or `service`
  12. Group string `json:"group,omitempty"`
  13. // Display Name
  14. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
  15. // App Process ID
  16. PID uint32 `json:"pid,omitempty"`
  17. // Timestamp App or Service started at
  18. Started string `json:"started,omitempty"`
  19. // Timestamp App or Service was last seen
  20. LastSeen string `json:"lastseen,omitempty"`
  21. // Is our App or Service Disabled?
  22. Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
  23. // Is our App or Service in a Restart state?
  24. Restart bool `json:"restart,omitempty"`
  25. // Is our App or Service set to RunOnce?
  26. RunOnce bool `json:"run-once,omitempty"`
  27. // Is Patrol in a Shutdown state?
  28. Shutdown bool `json:"shutdown,omitempty"`
  29. // History of previous App or Service states at the time of close()
  30. History []*History `json:"history,omitempty"`
  31. // Current state's KeyValue
  32. KeyValue map[string]interface{} `json:"keyvalue,omitempty"`
  33. // Does this App or Service require a Secret to modify?
  34. Secret bool `json:"secret,omitempty"`
  35. // Did any Errors occur?
  36. Errors []string `json:"errors,omitempty"`
  37. // like all of our other values, CAS is a snapshot of our PREVIOUS state
  38. // we are NEVER going to return our current CAS after modifying our current state or values
  39. // the reason for this is that if a modification request is successful, we know our CAS is CAS + 1
  40. // if we were to take a snapshot, update our object, then get our CAS ---
  41. // we could never actually verify what our current state or values are!!!
  42. // the reason for this has to do with triggers, we NEVER KNOW when we're going to unlock and/or execute triggers!!!
  43. // there are going to be very many scenarios where an API request is made and our CAS is updated more than once!!!
  44. // we're never in a scenario where we take a snapshot, update, and get our CAS WITHOUT UNLOCKING!!!
  45. // if we want to make a clean CAS, we should do a REQUEST without modifying anything(no ping), then do a secondary request without incrementing CAS!
  46. CAS uint64 `json:"cas,omitempty"`
  47. // CASInvalid is the only exception to data that references our previous snapshot
  48. // We need to know if our CAS was successful or not!
  49. // I prefer to have this as invalid and not valid as most requests without a CAS will be valid!
  50. CASInvalid bool `json:"cas-invalid,omitempty"`

type History struct {

  1. InstanceID string `json:"instance-id,omitempty"`
  2. PID uint32 `json:"pid,omitempty"`
  3. Started string `json:"started,omitempty"`
  4. LastSeen string `json:"lastseen,omitempty"`
  5. Stopped string `json:"stopped,omitempty"`
  6. Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
  7. Restart bool `json:"restart,omitempty"`
  8. RunOnce bool `json:"run-once,omitempty"`
  9. Shutdown bool `json:"shutdown,omitempty"`
  10. ExitCode uint8 `json:"exit-code,omitempty"`
  11. KeyValue map[string]interface{} `json:"keyvalue,omitempty"`