项目作者: sverdoot

项目描述 :
Python implementation of the paper Random Fourier Features based SLAM (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2011.00594.pdf)
高级语言: Jupyter Notebook
项目地址: git://github.com/sverdoot/random-fourier-features-slam.git
创建时间: 2021-03-23T09:47:35Z



Random Fourier Features based SLAM

This repository contains python implementation of method from the paper Random Fourier Features based SLAM.

Table of content

Repository structure

  1. .
  2. ├── README.md
  3. ├── requirements.txt
  4. ├── setup.py
  5. ├── run_experiment.sh
  6. ├── dump
  7. ├── data
  8. ├── figs
  9. ├── notebooks
  10. | ├── plot_results.ipynb
  11. | └── generate_data.ipynb
  12. └── src
  13. ├── __init__.py
  14. ├── main.py
  15. ├── model.py
  16. ├── random_features.py
  17. ├── data_utils.py
  18. ├── demo.ipynb
  19. ├── experiments.ipynb
  20. ├── observation.py
  21. └── utils.py


in the home dir:

  1. cd [VENV]
  2. virtualenv rff_slam
  3. source rff_slam/bin/activate

back in the project dir:

  1. pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. pip intsall -e .
  3. chmod +x ./run_experiment.sh


run a single slam example:

  1. python src/main.py -v --obs_model range-bearing --plot_traj

run a whole experiment:

  1. ./run_experiment.sh true