:pager: Nagios/Icinga Plugin to Check PM2 Processes (Remotely)
1. Install NVM (Node Version Manager):
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh | bash
2. Install Node.js latest version:
nvm install node
Note: NVM does NOT share node installation to all users. An easy step is to copy the node binary installed by NVM to /usr/bin
3. Download checkPm2.js to your Nagios server and chmod +x
Plugins default directory: cd /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/barrosfilipe/checkPm2.js/master/checkPm2.js && chmod +x checkPm2.js
Usage: ./checkPm2.js <pm2 web host> <app name>
$ ./checkPm2.js https://pm2.netflix.com:9615 movies-api
OK: PM2 app:movies-api is Online
Note: You have to enable pm2 web api service by running pm2 web
. Default port is 9615
PM2 Status | NAGIOS CODE |
PM2 Online Status | NAGIOS_OK: 0 |
PM2 Stopped Status | NAGIOS_WARNING: 1 |
PM2 Errored Status | NAGIOS_CRITICAL: 2 |
PM2 Unknown Status | NAGIOS_UNKNOWN: 3 |
Node.js v6.0.0+
No NPM needed