Minimalistic process monitor command line for Unix systems
mtop - minimalist process monitor for Unix systems
mtop [OPTION]
mtop provides a minimalistic dynamic real-time view of a running system. It can display several modes, all of them intended to have a clean view of the system processes.
The command-line syntax for mtop consists of:
-i, —interval
seconds between command outputs
-p, —pattern
pattern to filter the processes in monitor mode
-l, —lines
lines to display in monitor mode
-m, —mode
select in which mode to run
display this help and exit
different running modes are supported when using the —m (—mode) command line option:
monitor - shows CPU, Memory and processes running in the system
min - minimalistic mode shows only CPU and Memory
agg - aggregate CPU and Memory by user in the system
while mtop is running in monitor or aggregated mode, there are several keys that can be used to modify the program behaviour:
key description
c order processes by CPU usage
m order processes by Memory consumption
q quit